It was great that they brought Munch back for a bit! I miss him.

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Shout by JasperKazai

I knew Munch would be in this episode (saw his name in the opening credits), but what the hell was up with that? He just appears out nowhere, with zero preamble, and is helping question a past victim. Fin made an offhand mention that he and Munch had been investigating Alvin in the past, but to thrust Munch into the episode like that with no build-up was jarring. Why did they do it like that? It made no sense.
This is Munch's last appearance on the show. :cry: RIP Richard Belzer.

Fisher Stevens played another scumbag on SVU like 4 seasons ago, so for awhile I thought it was supposed to be the same character. Nope, just a coincidence.

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Shout by Elliot

Bit of a weak episode lifted by the guest appearance of Munch - even though it was kind of unnecessary and he just randomly pops up mid-episode as if he still works there.

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