Lucifer really just spent thousands of years in Hell only to finally come back to the woman he loves when she’s acting like a whiny drama queen. I swear, Chloe really has to get a grip sometimes: She always blames Lucifer for everything, even though he isn’t at fault. I also feel like she never sympathizes with him or recognizes how hard his life is, but instead only focuses on her own (much smaller) issues and pain.

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Mikaels posture is a bit crooked or am I wrong?

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Two celestial beings are fighting with fists and broken piano pieces, and actually getting hurt.

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After how big of a douche was last season, he definitely deserves this.

I really like how they change the title sequence. It actually works better than a single word.

"Why'd she leave me?" Maze. Please. Darling. Come now. You were friends with her for all of two days, the entirety of which was spent trying to get Lucifer to fall for her again. She was never "with" you in the first place.

Will someone please clean up that piano? It's been sitting there in shambles for a week.

I do prefer Michael's wings. Lucifer's wings always look glued on, whereas Michael's wings seem more congruent with his overall look.

It's only the third episode, but this season already feels like it's dragging...


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This was not a good episode..... It had a few okay parts but most of it didn't do it for me..

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Shout by albatr0ss

I thought that the Michael story ended but he comes coming back. I really don’t like it.
The story between Cloe and Lucifer “I love you but you can’t have me” is going too far….

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  • "Detective Dancer?"
  • "Sorry, Diablo."
  • "I was just pumping a suspect for leads."

Decker's eyes were amazing haha

Glad Lucifer is back !

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Just get rid of Michael. That shit is ruining the show totally. How they can screw up a show so much when it had so much promise in the first season is just amazing.

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I realy dont know how to cope with the drama... this show is 99% of the drama and 1 % when ppl are actually coping and mending things. It just bums everything good in this show. The lore and fights are awesome but would you give Lucifer a break? Half the time others are portrayed like it's their sole purpose of being to 'hate' on Lucifer. There is so little case solving than drama to make me like this episode and I'm not even watching Lucifer for the case-solving theme.

Humor was great, Dan was great, too little Ella. Maze is ****. Idk, maybe this one bugs me so much bc I just rewatched all of Lucifer in couple days and I remember everything so vividly.

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That series based on Lucifer. They have taken the arc of the season out of their sleeve, let's see what they do with it

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What a sátira! Amazing “roast yourself” episode.

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All dialogues between Lucifer and Daniel were hilarious! :grin:

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Way better than the first 2 episodes of the season, but I'm really not enjoying this Michael stuff.

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Lieutenant Diablo was bad in the best way possible. I couldn't stop laughing at the exaggerated acting straight out of a porn movie (and I guess it was basically soft porn anyway lmao). The mystery was so much fun. And then on the other end of the spectrum Chloe and Lucifer continue to break my heart.

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Talk about meta. I've missed this show.

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