series, movies & stuff produced by Netflix / sorted by release date (from newest to oldest release)
(based on and various other sources, if needed)
last update: March/15/2021
note: some database-entries are missing on trakt, so that the list is imho as complete as it could be atm. if you find something i missed, feel free to leave a comment.
True crime documentaries and docuseries. Updated regularly.
Last update: 5/7/2024
A mixture of Murder, Disappearances, Conspiracies and Cults
*updated regularly
This isn't intended to be a comprehensive list. I'm just going to be periodically updating this list with titles from the following IMDB search parameters:
UPDATED: 10/8/24
last uptade: apr 2024
Regularly updated list of True Crime documentaries & docuseries about murder, abduction, cults, corruption, corporate, fraud, etc. etc.
Just one more episode and then I'll go to sleep...Okay, really this time just one more.
The best TV series by user's ranking on
A collection of TV shows listed in various 'best of the decade' articles, with the default sort by the number of times they are mentioned
Documentaries, Docuseries, and Docudramas I loved
List created and maintained by
(")> ACTIVELY UPDATED <(") ...My take on the ultimate/best of Crime & Murder Documentary TV shows! :-)
True crime series and documentaries
IMDB: Top Rated TV Shows
by Justin NemethDirector