"McMurphies", a tribute to Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?

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What an ending, I can't wait till the next episode. Now I find the show amazing really with some vibes of craziness.

What is wrong isn't that I am sick.
It is that I don't matter.

That was one hell of an Oscar and emotional acting from Jonah, chapeau.

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Holy crap! That ending... Legolas, is that you?

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  • Don’t you think it’s strange that we were connected and nobody else was?
  • Maybe that’s part of their experiment. Connecting the people, messing with their heads.
  • I know. That’s what I thought too. But then I heard about the globular cluster, and I started thinking that maybe this is something deeper. And... cosmic... like some multi-reality brain magic shit. Like what you were saying when you came in here.


  • Non ti sembra strano che siamo gli unici due a essere connessi?
  • Magari fa parte dell’esperimento. Connettere le persone, incasinargli la testa.
  • Lo so. È quello che pensavo anch’io. Ma poi ho sentito dell’ammasso globulare, e ho iniziato a pensare che magari c’è qualcosa di più profondo, ...di cosmico... una specie di strani multiversi cerebrali magici. Come quelli che dicevi tu quando sei arrivato.
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"What's normal?" - fair enough.

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