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Season 1

Twin Power! This novel approach to story telling has great potential and I've chosen to characterize it as that of twins: one brainy the other dramatic, together dynamic. National Geographic (not somewhere I expected to find good SciFi) has artfully presented the race to colonizing Mars as both Science (using interviews with those intimately involved in the space program in the past few years) and Fiction (as a dramatic projection of the how those theories will play out in the next 15+ years). I've found it fascinating, even though I've sometimes been impatient when the drama has been interrupted by the science (the drama is that good!). I've just caught up to the second season (after a season one binge) and look forward to the fine tuning of the balance between hypothesis and projection, or, as I have imagined, the maturing of Twin Power. I give this first season an 8.5 (fascinating) out of 10. [Documentary Science and Dramatized Fiction hybrid]

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What is happened to this series?
I thought there were 10 episodes ready to be aired!?!

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