Oh well I guess we'll never know who was that last minute shooter...

Jack :(

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Peggy has absolutely no chemistry with either Sousa or Wilkes. I saw more fireworks between her and Jack, and her with Stark. She even has good chemistry with Jarvis than with either of the two aforementioned!

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Just ignore the last scene and it's a pretty nice ending...

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What went wrong with this show? Season 2 never seemed to hit the mark and really hasn't done justice to such a great character. Real shame.

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The whole zero matter plot and its conclusion was pretty lame but I had my fun with this episode nonetheless. I especially enjoyed the scene with Manfredi paying them a visit, him and Howard being pals (more or less) was hilarious and Dominic Cooper always brings some charm to the series. I don't dislike Peggy and Sousa together but I could've done without the romance and ESPECIALLY without the love triangle (or have it all better written at least) - it was fine in this episode though and their last scene together was pretty good I admit.

I was suprised by the lack of Dottie.

I also looked up if Thompson really was dead and what I found was that the one who shot him appearantly was Michael??? The redacted file belonging to him makes so much sense in hindsight and he was supposedly going to be part of season 3... that's absolutely crazy and I'm sad that we will most likely never see this.

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Jack better be okay!

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La serie me gustó mucho, pero odio que terminen una serie con un final abierto. Quien mató al agente Jack? Qué abría la llave? Qué tenía el archivo?

I loved the show, but I hate open endings. Who killed Agent Jack? What opened the key? What had the file?

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He aprendido que lamentarse sobre lo que podría haber sido... no es manera de vivir.

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Shout by Deleted

OMG... I just loved it!

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Really hope this gets renewed for a third season.

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How could she pick Sousa over Wilkes??

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oh no please not jack:(

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Season finale, has been better than the T1 all story arc , what's all that final scene?

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You know what? Don't like! #TeamCaptain4Ever

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Shout by aguyfromthewest

Decent ending EP, really wish Carter ended up with Wilkes tbh but oh well.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show. Love the era piece setting.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show. Love the era piece setting.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show. Love the era piece setting.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show. Love the era piece setting.

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