RIP to all the phones who gave up their lives in this episode :P

Great episode this week. Some intense stuff. Coulson going all Captain America haha, loved it :D
Sad to see Ros and Banks die. Really thought they'd stay for longer.
Love to see what'll happen next. This is getting really exciting. Loving every bit of it!

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The beginning was so random and unexpected, I thought I had skipped an episode! It was kinda cruel but tbh I never got to care that much about coulson and rosalind’s relationship. I can’t handle Ward’s hatred against women!!!! Skye, May, Bobbie, Kara and now Roz and Jemma too!!! It’s always the women who gotta pay for ward’s pathetic vendetta!! Mack is really growing on me and he’s really shaping up to be a great leader! I can’t understand hydra taking fitzsimmons in just to ask them how they got jemma back when the solution was really simple, like with a rope? And fitzsimmons need to learn how to fight!! Specially because ward always has a way of making fitz feel very little, like in this episode almost all his character development of the last two seasons vanished, so I need for them to train more as field agents.

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Ward is so incredibly lame. Can't accept him as a true villain because of how lame and bland he is. I hope he dies soon, I can't take much more of him.
Also - remember when Hunter shot Ward in the shoulder? Because the show sure doesn't. Also remember how Bobbi was shot once in the shoulder and was out of commission for months? Dat inconsistency.

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fitz listening to simmons getting tortured? do NOT sign me the FUCK up bad shit ba̷̶ ԁ sHit thats ❌ some bad shit right th ere right ❌

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Shout by universe

STOP. KILLING. WOMEN. And just get rid of Ward once and for all; he stopped being interesting aaaages ago.

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Shout by Camila


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Shout by Deleted

La debilidad es seguir a otros ciegamente. Aprendí eso por las malas.

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