Agents of Shield, now with 200% more Legends of Tomorrow

I could start to make fun of how the timetravel rules in this completely contradict the ones from Avengers Endgame, which is technically in the same continuity as this show.
But to be honest, I think this show handles it in a much smarter way.
This whole ‘tides vs waves’ explanation is basically the writers going like: we know it doesn’t make sense, the timeline will be in danger whenever we feel like it.
That, to me, is always preferable over having a bunch of characters explain the ‘rules’, while having it make about as much sense as the average Michael Bay movie.
So good job, Agents of Shield.

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I proper recap would have been nice. I cannot remember what happened last year. Anyway, good episode.

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NOT ready for this show to end.
I forgot how much I LOVE Coulson <3

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Dammit, I laughed at Coulson's 'new deal' joke

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I never knew how much i missed this show until it returned. So many laughs. I cannot wait to see the rest of the season

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A confidently clear-staked premiere right off the bat, probably as a result of them having mapped and finished filming this season even before Season 6 was done airing. The past makes for a refreshing and fun new setting, right down to that 30s-film title card.

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I'm not ready for this show to end.

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Why is this show back? And time travel is still a thing on tv shows? I hope it doesn’t end up sucking.

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Shout by NIghtLcD

Daisy about to break some ribs.

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By this point in the show, the writers must've felt obligated to split up FitzSimmons at the season's beginning due to a running joke sort of thing. It's ridiculous.

The concept of having to facilitate/ensure the survival of less-than-desirable events in order to maintain the timeline reminds me of the Infinite Dragonflight stuff from Warcraft.

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Purple hair? Is my TV colour off? It just looked like slightly lighter highlights to me

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So this is like timeless and legends of tomorrow without any context or a good explanation and one thing that I hate about AoS is that the first episodes of a season always leave you so confused!! Why wouldn’t Jemma say how many years has she been on this mission??
It doesn’t make sense Daisy talking about the “butterfly effect” when it’s been proved (I think) that there are multiple timelines, or else Deke wouldn’t exist, like the minute Fitz 1.0 died in s5 Deke would’ve disappeared.
And I insist LMD Coulson is so cruel to him, to May, to the team, like monolith Coulson was the perfect way to go, like are they expecting for May to see him and be in a relationship with a robot???
And what ever happened to piper, monolith Flint and Snowflake...
One thing I liked is that they are acting like agents again and having these little missions, it’s been a while since we saw real agent work and also Daisy looked gorgeous especially with that emerald dress.

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Why the fuck is this show back. Last season was stupid enough & now the SHIELD in the past? Timeless did a much better job of time travel, they really shouldn’t try to copy it.

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Shout by kinky

Fun episode, I like the new Coulson LMD, but... After ripping off The Matrix, they're now ripping off Timeless?

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It is good to be back.

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Nice Season Premiere. I have high expectations for the final season so let's see where it goes.

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My god... put it out of its misery and end this show!!! Another unwanted season!

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