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Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch 2021

Well, Season 2 started with a pretty literal off camera BANG, and far from burying the lead, they jumped right into the MULTIPLE mysteries they will be covering this season. Depending on the results of the carbon dating, (and, judging by the previews, the results were positive in their favor) they may actually be onto something, however, it looks like that "something" is now attracting crazies, psycho's as well as Karen's and Chad's carrying firearms. I know this is "scripted reality", but, when you start the season off with disappearing, XX chromosomed, joker face painted, twitching, soon to be room temperature, trespassers, and previews showing the protagonists yelling at the armed Chad to "go ahead and pull your gun and shoot me" well, let's just say that in spite of @GalacticSpines opinion, I'd be silly not to tune in and see how this thing plays out.

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What a load of mind numbing bs. It's an insult to human intelligence to think that this type of show can even exists.

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Shout by Spread Love Not Hatred

This show is very interesting & I love it keep more adventure happening.....

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This show produced more results in 8 episodes than Oak Island has in it's ENTIRE (and continuing) run. All 8 episodes are out, but, Trakt doesn't have them listed yet, however, (spoilers Sweetie) let's just say that, if things (literally) pan out, Silicon Valley will be knock, knock, knocking on Duane's door. ... Oh, yeah, and there's still that HUGE log box in the flooded cavern.

Maybe I'm just thinking too simply, but, why not just get a couple of trash pumps and a few hundred feet of hose and drain the fracking hole? His ranch could use a new fish pond / lake, unless of course there would be some negative environmental impact. Of course, then we wouldn't have a second season, which I hope we do.

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Love shows like this,some weird stuff going on out there!

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