The writers do realize that a dead drop doesn't involve actual in person meetings, right? This isn't some esoteric concept. This is Spycraft 101.

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So story continuity... there isn't any... the family is headed to either Japan or Norway after three days and now they staying is Massachusetts? How the hell did that happen?

How long is the daughter going to draw the same thing? Is she drawing it over and over? There isn't much detail so it shouldn't take long to draw... is she mentally deficient in some way? She talks like she is stoned out of her mind. "Everything you perceive is stuck out of time." What sort of crap is that? It doesn't make sense in any context that she might have meant. Unless she can see other time periods, she might want to cut back on the weed...

Most of the characters, except the two main characters, are completely unlikable and pretty much garbage.

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So why didn't the two agents in the bookstore shot the monster chick while she was accessing their system. They were obviously free to move, their guns were in their hands. And the monster wasn't even looking at them. Not very good agents....

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This is still a weird mix of a show. Some Supernatural and some Mean Girls. The show does menacing and serious pretty well but falls mostly flat when it tries to be lighthearted or heartwarming. They made the twin children completely unlikable (even when the townies are being total pricks to them) but at least the main couple have some chemistry and an interesting backstory. I will give the show high marks for special effects but the pacing is all over the place. I was also surprised with the overt racism and homophobia which just makes you hate the characters more. Like I said having a hard time rooting for anyone but the main baddie has my interest so I will keep watching.

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Present is an illusion. Past has already gone and is as little real as the future, which does not yet exist.

That is, if you believe in al the time crap.

“Maybe-friend”, I like that.
But how has she been colouring the same image for HOURS without progress? It’s like someone rolling the peas around on their plate and likewise annoying. If you’re not going to eat/finish, just get up already.

How lenient of the teach to give him three strikes. Thank Baseball as well.

A bit sad they’re butchering Japanese so hard. I mean, “Chinese” lol. I mean I get it that the actors wouldn’t be able to pick it up so quickly but there’s voice coaches to help with that. I doubt that these kids would have been talking this badly had they lived in Osaka for a while. First of all they wouldn’t have mispronounced Osaka to begin with :joy: yikes.

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