Personal Lists featuring...

The Peter Potamus Show 1964


a list of cartoons for the toddlers


TV-shows released and aired between 1960 & 1969, or beyond.
*last update 09/01/2024


These are my hand picked collection of cartoons I knew and loved growing up. My apologies, I didn't plan to add so many cartoons to my list. I guess I remembered more than I realized. I'm pretty sure that many of them are out of print now. Many are probably so obscure, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not even available on specialty collector sites. However, let's see how many of these cartoons you remember as a child? So much great history to remember. #Childhood #Cartoons


No Channel Listed Documentaries


Few things were sweeter for youngsters in the late-20th-Century than waking up bright and early on weekend mornings, and consuming a big bountiful bowl of breakfast cereal while lounging in front of the television still in your jammies.
These are some of my favorites from childhood.


Cartoons from my childhood in the 80s. They are not all made in the 80s, but shown in the 80s TV shows.


A curated collection of nothing but cartoons! Family friendly with a wide selection of content.


List of the Best Animated TV Shows I watched throughout my childhood (until the age of 10 years).

Nesta lista estão presentes os desenhos animados que eu costumava assistir na minha infância (até os 10 anos de idade). A maioria deles foi exibido pela Rede Globo durante os programas infantis Clube Hanna-Barbera, Globo Cor Especial (1973-1983) e Balão Mágico (1983-1986).
