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Preacher: Season 2

2x08 Holes

Ian Colletti's acting in this episode is phenomenal.

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the part of the other site I liked more than the part of preacher

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The Hell part is pretty cool. You're not allowed to be nice in Hell, not sure what the point of the policy is. Only got a flat basketball, ok. Duct tape as toilet paper, that's a hard one though.
The system breaks down because Eugene is not supposed to be there. Well, they're not even able to see that he's not even dead ? How many live customers did they ever had ? I'm not sure Eugene's upgraded scenario is really worse than the first one though.

Again not much happening with the main characters.
It's been obvious for a while that Cassidy willturn his son into a vampire.

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i cant believe im saying this, but i think he should trust hitler

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