Maybe it's just me but I feel like this episode was full of rehearsed moments, as if the queens had memorized their lines and were over-acting. I know reality tv isn't real, but this just didn't sit right with me. That said, I'm happy with the outcome of this challenge.

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Shout by Allyson

Thank you Manilla for sending Gia home!

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Shout by Keri Wood

gia gunn seriously sucks i'm sorry she just loves making bad excuses for her icky behaviour. thank god she's gone x

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i don't know... i love monet but i think she deserved that bottom spot instead of valentina. her eartha was better than monet's whitney and her runway was better too. but ok. again, i love monet, but i don't think she's standing out like i would like to see her doing. my all stars ranking at this point is:

  1. trinity (always serves)
  2. valentina (close)
  3. naomi (she's proving she's a star)
  4. monique (she's great but not on the same level as the three above)
  5. manila (i want her to elevate her game, she's a star but the others are delivering more)
  6. monet (same than manila, love her, want her to elevate her game)
  7. latrice (i love her, but she don't deliver as much as she could, she get passes cause she's a foundation to the franchise)
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So glad manila SLAYED. I seriously love her (I watched her live in my country and dang she is beautiful) I am so happy she made the right choice.

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I am so proud of Naomi for what she delivered on this Snatch Game. I think it means a lot for what she came from.
I felt so much for Latrice, though. I mean, this is Gia's carreer suicide, because everyone in the RPDR audience LOVES Latrice and will certainly hate her after this. Good riddance.

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