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Search: WWW 2019

Excellent writing, the characters are headstrong and badass and I love them! Recommended!

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It was much more than i expected

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Women who know what they want and have no qualms going about getting it? Women who don't don't hesitate to speak their mind and stick up for themselves? Women who are headstrong, and unapologetically so? YES, ALL OF THEM. This drama had some of the best characters ever, and with romance that didn't take away from each of their individual stories, this was pretty darn perfect. Right down to the OST. RECOMMENDED!

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Shout by Johanna
BlockedParent2021-07-18T14:15:09Z— updated 2021-07-20T04:17:11Z

i'm on episode 2 and this show is actually good. but the dutch angle... just no, please. it's making me dizzy and the angle doesn't give any value to the scene

this was surely intriguing! loving the powerful women getting what they want.

for me, it's Ta-mi and Morgan's relationship that did it for me, because I hate the family/political relationship (also because I started to get very into Jang Ki-yong)

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