What is this? Marvel's The Hills? It's like Jessica Gao totally ignored who her audience is. The character She-Hulk deserved so much more than to be pictured as a Green Kardashian.

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Was this supposed to be funny? I can’t believe this piece of sh:asterisk_symbol:t was actually produced.

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I'm no She-Hulk hater but yeah, this is the worst episode yet. Neither A and B plot were funny.

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it’s just horrible, light and fluffy storytelling. Absolutely forgettable, waist of time and budget.

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So I've REALLY been enjoying She-Hulk, way more than shows like Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel, which will better produced just lack any creative drive that differs from the Marvel formula. But She-Hulk is light hearted and extremely watchable. That being said, this was a VERY big throwaway episode and easily the worst of the season. I'm still interested in the underlying story, regarding Jen's blood, but we're in Episode 6 of 9, with next week being 7. She-Hulk needs to MOVE as of next week as this was filler. If this was 4 or 5, I wouldn't be worried, but now I'm getting worried about the landing.

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It's sad that women empowerement means that men should be represented as idiots.
Find some good writers, this is not the CW.

Also, when Nikki is talking to Mallory about the death threats to Jen, she looks at the camera by mistake and quickly stops. This acting never ceases to amaze me.

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While the B-story was somewhat interesting with Mr. Immortal, Jen’s side of the story was boring, cringe-inducing and seemed like a waste of time. I usually do a rewatch but I’ll skip this one. 5/10.

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This show does not miss, what a marvel 10/10.

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The ending music is way better than the entire episode.

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This was fine, but just fine. The B story was decently funny this episode. The tease for the larger antagonist(s) at the end finally hints at a real villainous presence in the show but they’re being introduced so late I’m not sure they’re going to be all that developed or interesting. There’s pieces of Jen’s character arc there but we still have yet to really see her struggle in a profound way, and I don’t necessarily love that approach for a main protagonist. Although I do expect her to encounter some bigger difficulties in the last third of the season so I’m hoping she doesn’t just breeze right though those. The show just feels likes it’s meandering around a bit and I’m starting to get bored with it. I don’t hate the show by any means, but I’m not really loving it either.

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Had to switch it off this week. I just can't.

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This show is so much fun! Jessica Gao and the writers really embraced the Dan Slott's run, made it modern for the MCU, and then the cast just runs with it. Ginger Gonzaga is a delight to watch... and this week we got PATTI HARRISON!!! so happy this series exists

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The worst episode. And I thought the last episode was already the worst that time. Sigh

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Loved it! Everything about this show is a delight.

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My only issue with this otherwise yet another hilarious episode is that they never explain how Mr Immortal has actually managed to get himself repeatedly declared dead. Who's filling out the paperwork and certification for that when he immediately springs up from every situation? There's no remains left behind for a certificate to be attached to, no long legal process to legally declare a missing body dead. If anything, he'd be declared revived/resuscitated every time. Still, it's a deeply amusing plot.

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Finally, a She-Hulk episode I actually enjoy. Somewhat.

This episode really leans into the bones of this show that I found pleasant in previous episodes, particularly the slice-of-life moments. It doesn't really hit as comedy (okay the dialogue of Jen and intern love interest in their final scene is actually pretty funny), but we get to see some aspects of Jen we haven't gotten a chance to get a glimpse at earlier on.

I do think there were some nuggets for a really rich episode that were lost, though. Jen still has a ton of hubris, but because everyone else around her was so much more narcissistic, there wasn't an area for her to work through this because nobody challenged her on it. Additionally, Jen's friends at the event are grossly internally misogynistic, but the episode missed the opportunity to explore internalized misogyny, nor speak to what Jen's choice in friends says about her.

What kills this episode for me though is that its worst moments are smashed right next to its best moments. I won't spoil them, but this episode zigzags from being 7/10 and 2/10 material with dizzying frequency.

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I actually really enjoyed this one!

It was nice seeing a guy positively interact with Jen after the wedding was a clear bust, but I was worried he was a part of Titania’s plan to mess with Jen.

The Titania fight was really good but She-Hulk clearly outclasses her so idk what Titania is thinking :joy: Also, her initial punch on Jen threw me so off guard.

The Nikki and Mallory plot line was okay. It’s always interesting to see the court cases and stuff, and Nikki is very fun to watch!

People going to the lengths of stalking Jen is very concerning! Obviously she’ll be fine, but I’m curious as to what’s getting planned out!

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Mr. Immortal is kinda fun. The wedding was pretty eh but it is what it is, at least it turned out to be not mere filler after all.

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This show is not nearly as terrible as everyone is making it out to be. It’s definitely a departure from the typical Marvel stuff — and that’s not a bad thing. I find it refreshing.

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This 22 minute episode (minus the intro and credits) boils down to 2 scenes and its not worth it.

She-hulk fights titania (again) and they're creating a new needle to grab she-hulk DNA. The wedding scene is filled with cliche moments, dry dialogue, unfunny banter between Jen and the bride, and cringe moments between Jen and her 'date'.

The B story line is also confusing and ridiculous. A once powerful group in the comics, intelligencia, is now a 4chan/reddit blog post on the internet. A passing joke to anyone thats watching she-hulk without knowing the lure behind the name. Next, the immortal character is a joke and we pass by why he's immortal and why people are not more upset about it. They gloss by the fact that he cant die like it's normal.

Overall, this episode is 20 minutes of skipping, 2 minutes of intros, 6 minutes of credits, 1 minutes of "action" and 1 minute of substance is not worth the time it takes to open up Disney+.

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I just realised that this show might be primarily directed at women. Which makes a lot of sense for a show about the female version of the Hulk. It just wasn't ever my impression for MCU productions.
In any case this episode had basically nothing to offer In terms of content. Yes a tiny bit of character development.
And everything with the guy just went way too smoothly. So to me there are two possibilities which would both be really disappointing: A) he is part of a plot against She-Hulk and trying to gain her trust or B he is a complete clishee of a guy and merely a flat storytelling tool for emotionality.

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A delightfully different take on wedding episodes. Jen is quickly becoming the most fleshed-out character in the MCU.

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They said that the episode was filler and expendable, they were right

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Little did people know that threw shade at Iron Fist for being not up to the high bar of quality that this absolute pile of excrement would come along.

I don't know what they were aiming for but this is not funny nor does it have any drama. Dire.

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It was a good episode just not great but worth a watch. The show is entertaining and I think the negative comments are from those who were expecting marvel movie theatre type show . Know what show you are watching and it will be fine. The only thing I’m tired of is the male bashing in every episode. We get it, move on

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It feels like they're barely trying. Surely the She-Hulk comics have more substance than this?

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And we hit the weakest episode, yet. Nothing worked.
At this point, I'm convinced that WandaVision and Loki were a fluke. What the hell always seems to happen around midseason in Marvel shows?

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I’m having a blast watching the show but honestly this episode was pretty lacking with the A plot. Didn’t really make a whole lot of sense and felt kind of random and untethered. I honestly love filler episodes but they also need to be written/edited well and this felt super choppy to me. Plus it’s only 9 episodes for this season, so if we’re going to have filler, make it a good solid plot.

The B plot was pretty fun however! Made sense for me and I like the team up that is Mallory and Nikki. If we got more of this than the actual wedding plot I think I would have had more fun tbh.

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i didn't think it was possible for an MCU show to get worse with every episode, but She-Hulk somehow manages to up the cringe factor every week. ep 6, and once again, nothing of interest happens, which is a common theme for this show. Jen goes to a wedding, her friends back at the office represent a man who gets out of marriage by killing himself (he is immortal) and that is basically it

they devote a few seconds at the end of the episode to the actual plot of someone wanting She-Hulks blood

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Jessica Gao is just an outright awful writer who disgraced every actor and actress in this show by ruining a wonderful Marvel character. If she believes that every man is like this, she really requires substantial help. It's really terrible. If I weren't a completist and wanted to know everything about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I would've already abandoned this show. I will have to endure all of this, tragically.

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imagine wedding episode on the she_hulk

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This is probably my least favourite episode of the season so far. I didn't love the premise of the wedding where Jen can't transform but I was more annoyed that despite the set-up of conflict with Lulu it never actually comes to anything. The Titania fight was fun though. Plus Mallory and Nikki's B plot had some fun jokes with Mr. Immortal

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No action or excitement, just wannabe Ally McBeal stuff.

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im convinced that this series would be better if the episodes were longer

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I like the show but this was a terrible ep. The nod at the start that it was going to be a terrible ep made it even more terrible.

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At this point, even the faintest semblance of character depth piques my interest and revives my hope that there's something that they're working towards... in their own meandering way.

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Titania's scenes were the only redeemable quality this episode ever had. What a snore fest.

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....can we talk about how having a literally immortal character COULD have been a REALLY REALLY big problem? I'm not S.H.I.E.L.D, but just doesn't seem like someone you don't keep tabs on.

There's just something about casual immortality that doesn't sit well with me.

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Would have been a 7 or 8. I enjoyed all the wedding stuff, but the side story back at the law firm? It was just cringy to be honest. Like to the level that it kinda ruined the episode.

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