• There are less princesses on the title card
  • Omg, it's a talking mushroom
  • Wow, this is the first time we've actually been to a real town to see the real effects of war, occupation, etc
  • I mean, they aren't fighters, what do you expect, Bow?
  • Poor store owner
  • Bow is bad at being undercover
  • Yay, it's the character with hardly any screen time

Adora: "How are we supposed to fight our own friends?"
Catra: "It never stopped you before."
Ooh, burn. But she's right though. Spinerella's your friend, Adora? You rather not hurt her than Catra?

  • That "accessing this forms memories" thing is cool
  • Yo, it's the good transformation sequence
  • But what's going to stop Prime from invading the town again?
  • Frosta, you bi—
  • So she punches Catra, but not that literal Hordak clone?
  • Now nobody has commented on She-Ra

You know it's painful when writers don't reward you for paying attention. I guess I'll stop. ;-;

SCORE: 7/10

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