I want to like this show,. I really do. It has a good premise, I think the actors are doing good with what they have. I think Layton lacks charism, but with some better writing Digger could pull it out.

That said, I just can't ignore the inconsistencies and nonsense that we get with every new episode. That season finale is no exception.

- Should we accept that Big Alice just happens to have that whole grappling / boarding system in its last car, and just happens to be travelling backwards?
- If Melanie needed to go outside, why didn't she go out at the last car instead of having to run on the roof of multiple cars?
- We've just seen them disconnect some cars; why didn't they just disconnect the last car once they saw Big Alice had attached to it?

I don't mind watching shows where I know I should just "turn off my brain" to enjoy parts of the show, but it's constant in this one!

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I didnt understand the very last shot. Was it me or was it just a draft cgi shot? And the rest of the other train was missing? What am i missing here

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Empty finale to a mosty empty series, it leaves us with a nifty cliffhanger but I fear it'll be nothing more than just a shiny little lure.

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It was an OK first season. Not great, not awful, just ok.

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I never saw that ending coming. The rest of the season was alright, but Wilford coming out of the blue in Big Alice made me scream “NO WAY” out loud. I thought the signal was just going to be some old decrepit ham radio broadcasting into the abyss, but no, it’s a prototype train with JAWS on the front for one purpose: to catch Snowpiercer where it all started, and then hack in with an umbilical to stop the supposedly perpetual engine.

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Chicago Drift: Off the Rails !

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I just loved this first season so much!!! It had so many storylines tangled that payoff to very last end...the mystical part of it, the human part of it and the sci-fi part were all mixing together just perfectly!....the ending was something o wasn’t expecting at all...I kind of hope that like mother the daughter is playing the same strategy that Melanie did and Wilford is really gone and don’t exist in this world...I just need Melanie on that train again to hug her daughter

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Seriously couldn’t the people take showers? I can’t stand Layton....terrible actor choice for the role or just bad character writing.

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Well they played this whole thing about it being Wilford and it being a MAN to come and greet them up so much, it was kind of obvious it wouldn't be either. And as it has to be a person we sort of know, or know of, to give us the big "OH NO" moment at the end of the season, it wasn't really that surprising now, was it.

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