Very boring episode... We need Melanie.

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How is Melanie pretending that Wilford is alive and in control any different from Ruth pretending that Melanie is alive and in control? Ruth is such a hypocrite

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He is planning to instigate infighting within snowpiercer. Killing the breachmen who is seen as pro wilford will make other pro wilford and pro snowpiercer against each other more. Distrust is already high and he just pushed it further

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Ummm I'm not quite sure what happened, but what the hell is Wilford planning?

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Audrey is a pointless, boring character who is ruining this show.

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Wilford is obviosly smarter than Layton and knew from the beginning that Josie is a wannabe spy. And he is wicked enough to get his own staunchest supporters, the Breachment get killed off in order to undermine Layton's rule. The highlight of the episode was Mr. Pike going ninja on Terrence. That kill was epic.

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