Man, this episode pissed me off! So angry.
Kasidy, girl, whyyyyyy?!!!! And that Eddington! The smug, brainwashed, bald-headed, double crossing bastard!
Garak and Zeyal bonding was the only thing that took the edge off.

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Eddington is quite the actor. Who had thought it, this tight laced, stuck up, straight as an arrow appearance was the act of the century.
To hide all this contempt for the Federation and the life he lead up until this point, requires more finesse than I would have credited him with

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Eddington: "Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis?"
Me: "Why is the Maquis so obsessed with the Cardassians?" Even Bajoran people accept Cardassians just because of Federation oversight, yet still the Maquis are bothering about the almost dead Cardassians? Comparing Federation with the Borg is such a nice humor. I guess Eddington don't know much about history how countries merged to establish Starfleet. That's whole point of the Federation! Getting everything under it.

Not Kassidy! No...

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I never liked Cassidy Yates.

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