Hurrah! At last a proper Star Trek series! This is everything the absolutely awful Discovery was not. Looking forward to the coming episodes!

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A long meandering and unfocused season. This should have never been ten episodes long and should have been much much shorter given the amount of filler episodes.

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Wow, this was bad... and with Discovery being major poopoo and nobody knowing of the existance of the other one, i guess we´ll enter that ST hiatus fase once more...

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Season 2 is complete Trash!!! I could not complete the season, skipped to the last episode just to see how they fixed the situation, and by skipping from 4 to 10 I did not miss much.

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I was ok with the first season of Picard. This is garbage though...

I think there are some decent actors here, but it doesn't matter when you've got a garbage script and story. You know they're out of ideas when they bring characters back to life (check) and/or introduce time travel (check). Time travel is hard (period), so why that seems like a fallback is a mystery. It rarely turns out well.

I made it through episode 9 out of sheer will, devotion to TNG, and desperation to salvage something from this escapade. To no avail... Sometimes it's better to admit defeat.

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this whole season feels like an episode stretched into a series. poor dialogue and unbelievable things that don't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. The added political messages of the current day (from only a certain viewpoint).
I'm told season 3 is good and that's all that's getting me through this cringefest.

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3.5/10 - I loved the first season but this second season made everything pointless to me. I hate the time traveling, the lack of science, the stupid/ridiculous story, and it simply didn't feel like Star Trek.

Either Star Trek was never as good as I thought it was (I never watched the old TV shows and movies and I guess mostly because the science behind them is way too outdated now), it has recently become trash, or I didn't really notice the lack of science and logic before. IIRC the recent movies were pretty good (then again they definitely were silly too) but this has gone way too far now! I've lost faith in the Star Trek universe now. Shows like The Expanse and Mars are just so much better IMO. I also still like the Star Wars universe for the fantasy aspects (apart from the main movies - those are bad). However, Star Trek is neither proper Sci-Fi anymore (as it really lacks in regards to science) nor does it offer enjoyable fantasy moments.

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What a disappointing season. I barely enjoyed it. So many weird things happen and sometimes there seem to be skips between decisions and actions that make no sense whatsoever.

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No need to think about it. Just watch Ep. 1,2 and 10. Only if you really need to!

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This season was a complete mess. Picard's trauma, Rios' plotthread... unnecessary. Soong's plot seemed rehearsed from other shows.

Two positives: Jurati, and Q's conversation with Picard in episode 10. But that's hardly enough to carry a whole season.

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wtaf was that? Words fail me.

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This 2nd season is a chaotic letdown after the 1st one. And it continues to digress with each passing episode...

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