I dialed the phone number on the Q calling card and got to listen to a cute little Q voicemail message. But then I started wondering: was there a point to remotely 3D printing the card? Why not just continue using that nice curved ultra-wide monitor to display the phone number or whatever other data?
(If you want to call the number, it was 323-634-5667)
Agnes is once again leading the most irrational character ranking, in this season. Raffi and Rios really must try harder.
Agnes also beats Raffi in the most unlikable character competition, though that is a tighter race.
Can't say much more about the rest of this episode, as they just keep shifting parts of the puzzle around without the plot getting any deeper or inspirational.
Just seems like a big ol' hot mess and not a fun one
Q's phone number in this episode is 323-634-5667. His VM is funny.
There it is, finally the ace is played. It's a great delight when you know that it's going to happen but you don't know exactly how, and then WHAM, right between the eyes. Good times.
For me the best part of this episode was Lea Thompson!!
Agnes & the Queen scenes are ripped straight outta Farscape with Criton & Scorpious...remember when their brains were fused? The Queen even dons the black leather strappy looking wardrobe like Scorpious...ugh...
The writers are hitting on all the recent social struggles of the past 3 yrs aren't they? Mental health, political junk, wokeness...I wonder how far down the dark hole of depression they're gonna take us with Picards family history with the affliction...
Woke crap, Starfleet officers behaving like amateurs, Hollywood style soap opera that pretends to be a story and a shitload of time travel nonsense.
Can it get any worse?
The EMP disables the bus but not the radios of the police people or the iPhone a prisoner had in his pocket? What in the Gene Roddenberry fuck?
Quite boring tbh. They'd completely disturb the timeline that way... Agnes and the Borg Queen might become an interesting duo in a strange way but I don't really care about anything in this show anymore.
There is so much nonesense going on, so many questions... but it looks nice.
At around the 18:00 mark, is that a freaking Stargate in the background?! That's awesome.
Shout by Reiko LJVIP 7BlockedParentSpoilers2022-04-03T19:24:45Z
Okay that all but confirms Jurati will be the future Borg Queen we saw. She's got the old Queen as a perma girlfriend in her head too. Wild but I'm going with it.
Voyager was more my bag than Next Gen so I don't really get the hard on people have for Q. He is a general nigh-fantasy annoyance to the rest of the sci fi goodness. This whole season is his fuckery. What's the point?