Do all those plot pieces actually have a purpose ?

We went back in time to restore the timeline. Now we have Soong and his cloning (funny that he doesn't protect his files). Jurati and her personality issues. Rios's Doctor is back in the picture. Raffi's becoming more annoying with every episode. I'm still not sure what's Q's play ? And Picard having a traumatic episode. Does all this actually have something to do with the main issue ?

Oh wait, there was a little bit of Renee Picard in there. And concerning that, I don't know if her not making the mission is the problem or her making it is. Maybe it's something else entirely. I am also confused that Picard didn't seem to know about his ancestor. From TNG we know he's well versed concerning his family history. But neither the date nor the place seemed to be important to him.

I don't hate the show but I'm also not overly enthusiastic. Truth be told, I'm bored. And that's worse than either of the other options.

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Shout by mookie
BlockedParent2022-04-10T03:42:51Z— updated 2022-04-15T17:01:35Z

You know that one relative that comes over on holidays and just rambles aimlessly about random stuff for hours on end? That’s what this season of Picard feels like. There’s a lot of stuff happening, but it’s not really coherent. I am losing patience with this season.

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Some classic wise sentences, the rest is a waste of time.

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So the Borg Queen is Scorpius now?

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Patrick Stuart/Picard still manages to inspire, on and off screen. The “fear is fear” speech made me cry a little :heart:

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Does anyone know what the frack is going on?’ I get more confused each episode m

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It's all a bit wishy washy and still not feeling the whole point of the season being Qs fuckery.
On the other hand we now have my weirdest ship to date! Agnes Jurati and the damn Borg Queen.
Borgnes... Nope, Queerati.

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Give the Borg Queen her own damn spin-off. She's been single-handedly carrying this season

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I'm just bored now and I don't care what's not happening as this show has took a dive literally second episode in and stayed their right at the bottom. Everything interesting they could have given us with how they set that first good episode up has just been pissed away.
It's all just bull-crap and the show is going absolutely nowhere,
I just want the pain to stop.
What's with Picards android body, is it flesh and blood where even a Doctor can't tell are not.
Because if so then it makes all season 1 drama of him dying completely pointless/ irrelevant.
Which is literally this who show, boring irrelevance.

Thank the stars I have
The Flawless Masterpiece that is
Star Trek Discovery.

(I'm going to really have to grind....Grind these last 4 episodes out. Star Trek Picard is shit).

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Shitty soap opera story and flashback hell. Talk about ruining the second most famous name in Star Trek.

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UGH...what happened to the writers from season 1? Why this story line for season 2? The time thing doesn't work this iteration of the Trek universe. I wanna know how the Borg got that cool ass ship...and how the f*ck can they bend time like that?? Show us THAT technology and timeline so we can have some REAL excitement and real stories! What about Species 8472 who defeated the Borg? Where are they and why haven't they come to right the time line? I want more from this show but I don't think I'm gonna get it with these characters. They are not using Jeri Ryan's character to the fullest and that's a shame. I wanted to see her be some sort of freedom fighter/bounty hunter...they gave her the clothes for it (actually in season one she could have fit in nicely with the Firefly crew).
UGH... this season is going nowhere fast...people are getting sad

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"How mutch worse can it get?" Why do people always say that?? You now that is going to get mutch worse afther anybody says that!!!!!!!! (Specially if it's the last sentence of the episode)

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So Jurati now contains borg nanites and is controlled by the queen, so wouldn’t her first act be to assimilate that whole room when Picard and gang leave to get Picard sorted out? This way she can get a borg collective going so she can do what her predecessor tried to do in First Contact? Half of the best episode will be the mind meld into Picard’s brain, which will have a lot of corridors and him shouting “maman” and his mum saying “look up”’s not really interesting at all, more like watching paint dry, especially as Q isn’t doing anything coz his finger click isn’t working and nobody knows why, let’s hope they explain it.

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The entire Star Trek new shows like Picard and Discovery are going down, very bad writing :(

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Mostly boring... I was about to rate this 4/10 but then we finally got that musical (Agnes singing) - it was short but it was there and lifted things a bit.

And some more scenes with Theresa - which is always good.

PS: It looks like the Tesla's of the future still have problems with emergency breaking for pedestrian protection :o xD (Not sure how well it works currently but I've seen quite a few headlines regarding some issues/limitations - but to be fair, Tesla is likely not behind the competition). Anyway, it was weird that they can still run people over with cars in the future.

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Luckily there are only 10 episodes, but ufff

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The episode itself isn't bad...

but, somehow it all seems a bit rehashed, from season 1, from TNG etc., especially the Soong-Kori (Data-Lal/Soji)-subplot. Rios' thing with the doctor is quite annoying, the best part remains Jurati and the Borg Queen (but who didn't guess the Borg Queen taking over would happen at some point?).

The pep-talk from Picard to Renee was nice... but... honestly, she's indoctrinated by Q, and one speech however inspirational changes her mind?

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