Vadic: "Oh, fucking solids." LMAO, A great Episode !
This has got to be IMO one of The best Star Trek's Ever, It's got Real Laugh out LOUD laughs, It's got Eye watering sadnes (Yea It's fiction) and nostalgia for some of the original Crew Natasha 'Tasha' Yar

Great seeing the TNG crew back together, It's just a shame It's taken so long IMO

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It's all about reunion, nothing else.
Embedded in a predictable, simple-minded and obscure framework they call 'story'.

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The gang is all here, but... Lower Decks showed him the respect of calling him the greatest Star Fleet officer of all time, but the writers here couldn't have found a way to include Chief Miles O'Brien?

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Nothing else to say but 10/10.
"Fucking solids!"

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If you didnt cry for Data, even if you saw what he was doing coming, then screw you bruh! The gang is back together for one final round, and if you don't get why that's awesome, get the fuck outa here!

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Season 3 is the best one so far

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Off course it had to be a romulan who got executed...

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I can't help but think, that Troi is a changeling, like a plan B or maybe even the actual Plan A all along to bring Jack to open that damn red door . :thinking:

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They’re taking way too fucking long to get to the damn point with Jack

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Shout by C

As much as I've loved this season, I do find it extremely predictable and still falls prey to the issues of the other seasons. It's really odd because it gives so much nostalgia, but fails in doing it correctly and is filled with plot holes.
One new thing I loved was Captain Vadic. One of my favourite bad guys of Star Trek. I know she died but I hope somehow she comes back .
I also hope that this season isn't the end of the show. I didn't think I'd say this after the first few seasons, but I've smiled a lot here.

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Amanda Plummer (Needful Things) is excellent in this. I didn’t even know she was still around.

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One of the negatives that I mentioned in a review of a previous episode of this season is the fact that the show has become more Star Wars and less Star Trek. A perfect example of this is the way that the Data vs Lore business plays out. It isn't about coding or anything remotely STEM related; instead, it's all about the feelz and, as a result, is the sort of thing an English major with no scifi background would write. The same goes for the "evacuation hatch" nonsense, and the fact that it provides for Vadic's instantly classic exit line doesn't do anything to reduce the stupidity of it. In an otherwise pretty solid episode, these are significant disappointments for me, but they are consistent with how science is taking a back seat to other things at this point.

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Good episode. This season is so much better than the crud they produced for season two.

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All Gold
Well that was
frickin Awesome,
This episode was the
Gift that kept on giving
the tension was dialed
up to 11,
Phenomenal performances
all round and some
massive massive
Closure moments
that let you know
This is really the
End of
The Generation
Then the theme we all
Love and know fades in.
It's been one
Hella of a ride,
Outstanding in fact
Built up on
Special, Special Moments
and that scene at the end
Well I have not the words
to articulate it accordingly.
Except to say:
If that didn't hit you in
the feels
Then you need to check
your Pulse because
you're already dead.


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this is what fans wanted.i cried on this episode.loved to see the crew together again

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Even I, had a tear in my eye in this episode.
Best season so far.

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I cried , I laughed and I cried again!!! Pure excellence!!!!

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The ominous sound of the shrine was really unnecessary ...

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