Now I have seen 2 episodes it's clear that this show is what many Trekkies have been looking for : mystery of the week with some food for thought, camaraderie, some humor and (if it's not to much of a bother) some pew pew flying stuff in space.

Mount, Peck and Romijn hit the ground running in their own spin-off but Gooding as Uhura is amazing. Can't wait for an episode focused on the medical team. Of course I can't help but like Ortegas and La'an, although I see some similarities with a certain Naomi Nagata & Camina Drummer, but I'm certainly not complaining about that.

The special effects are amazing and the writers do an excellent job with giving known characters more depth while still respecting what other writers have done. The way they get Pike's command style smack dab in the middle of Archer and T Kirk is very impressive. Strong characters but with flaws. This is a crew I would actually like to be part of, something that hasn't happened since Enterprise ( Team Trip Tucker all the way )

If they can keep this up I say : "6 seasons and a movie"

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So, they actually can do it. They can write proper Star Trek. The story was really interesting. You get from a point where Pike is really self righteous to where he understands that there is a plan to everything. Deep down I hope they don't change Pike's future. Things need to happen to preserve what's come before.

I also love that they are making this about all the characters, not just one. I hope others will get their stories as well. And I'm beginning to pick favorites among them. I'd like to know something more about Hemmer. Pike's loose command style is quite refreshing.

One little thing, tune down on Spock's sideburns. They are a bit ridiculous.

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I saw this at the premiere, it has a slight twist to the classic trek formula from the 60s that modernizes it for the modern age. Another excellent episode.

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Possibly the most Star Trek episode of Star Trek ever. Fundamentalists preach their religion, without actually understanding their god. Science, logic and old fashioned actually paying attention step in and blow the blind faith out of the water, all while leaving a bit of room for faith. Phenomenal.

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This episode is nearly perfect Trek. I’m in love with this crew and its Captain. Uhura seems to be our gateway into this version of events, and I think that’s a perfect series choice.

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Pretty silly story with lots of holes in it but still a lot better than the Picard abomination

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Best Star Trek in 20+ years. Please don't ruin it, this is what we have been waiting for!

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Why were the characters singing instead of using a future tech device to play music?

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I loved this episode focused on Uhura. <3

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2 episodes in and I'm definitely NOT sold on this.... the story was OK - probably close to the original ST back in the 60's, so that will keep the true die-hard Trekkie's happy, but something was just not there - can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the characters.. I just don't like any of them.

How many times did we have to be told this was her first mission? Why was she shocked she actually had to do what she was there to do?


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Probably one of the best Star Trek casts (tv series) since TNG

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Shout by Ana

We learn more about Uhura in this one episode than we do in the whole TOS series. :smile:

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This show is fascinating, as Spock would say. My only problem is that Shepherd looked like Playstation 1 graphics.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2023-06-09T16:21:53Z— updated 2024-01-23T18:19:35Z

So so
With good performances.
Star Trek Picard
Season 3
is absolutely slaying it
and is doing this show no
favours as STP S3
is off the charts
Awesome and simply
Amazing which makes
the episodes in this show
seem slow paced
and simplistic.
I hope it picks up
throughout the season
and delivers some

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I know how much Trek fans love the weekly resets, I was there at the con in Chicago when you all rejoiced. My only hope is that we don’t see things take 7 years to play out like DS9. If we have more episodes that at least acknowledge the seasons big bad or mystery I’d live. It was something I hated in Voyager and TNG. 3 episodes about the finale fight and the rest acted like the danger didn’t exist. It’s not really logical.

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The episode itself was good, I enjoyed the music/language part and of course the self-fulfilling prophecy.

I like the interaction so far, Peck's Spock feels much more real than Quinto's ever did (although, of course, he's no Nimoy... and I realize it's unfair to even make the comparison, still...), Pike's great as well.

About Uhura... well... does everybody have to have either a tragic past with lots of killed relatives and/or relatives who only pop up to cause trouble and then vanish without ever being seen again?

Otherwise, looking forward to the next episode.

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Please don't mess this up like they did Discovery

This is what i want to see in a 'Star Trek' series.

It should be like Stargate Universe on volume 11

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Please don’t ruin this show like Discovery & Picard.

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Pure kino. I hope they can continue this strongly for the entire season.

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"The odds of us surviving were... in fact quite low."

Of all people, I wouldn't have thought that Spock would be one to get this wrong. What he meant was that the likelihood was low. Anyone else would get a pass on this from me, but not Mr. Spock.

Disappointment weighs my heart tonight.

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