Pretty dumb episode but somehow quite funny. It has to be the acting skills of the main crew members that make this episode work at least a bit. But all in all, it's really a pretty dumb episode.
Great Episode. I love how Worf transforms into a wild prenatal animal
This far into the final season, there is a trend of "horror episodes" that seem to dominate the season. It is after my recent re-watch of the entire series that I now remember an unsettling feeling I had watching episodes like this in 1993-94 as a young boy. I was intrigued nonetheless and it was episodes like this that got me hooked on Star Trek.
Is it a great episode? No... but it is fun.
Well that was unnecessarily, unexpectedly terrifying on a complete 90s way.
Pretty absurd, but at least it's not "warp 10 turns you into a lizard" levels of insane.
the fact that they even made this episode makes me love it even more. yes it is possibly the most absurdly bonkers plot of any episode of any season, and that includes the silly over the top season 1 episodes, of which honestly most of them were pretty campy but that was fine and was just growing pains.
this episode is part of the FINAL SEASON. they knew that, and I can only believe that they were well aware of how ridiculous this episode was and are in on the joke of including it in the farewell season. it really is almost like a lost season 1 episode that they re-filmed for the final season. enjoy it for what it is, and have some fun!
The adventure is fine, I guess. But the ending ruins it.
A great episode to watch in HD and not only because you can see that according to the sign on her door, Troi is still Lt. Cmdr. Guess the staff on the ship works rather slowly.
Westmore's make-up jobs look amazing the whole scenery has the scary feel that is needed. Acting performances iare great. The actors sure had fun with it. But where it matters, the story, there really isn't anything. And there is no science to base this upon. It's pure fabrication.
So, technically brilliant but other than that not much there.
My favorite episode of the whole series!
Shout by Why Not Zoidberg?BlockedParent2018-07-20T17:08:52Z
What an idiotic, laughable script. There are far too many episodes where a couple crew members return to the ship to find something wrong and then they easily fix it and everything turns out alright…
Also at the end everything's so lighthearted — several people died during this outbreak… so wtf Beverly? Haha lol Barkley has a new disease named after him. But who gives a shit about all the people that died from it, they were just redshirts.