I've already forgotten what happened in this one. It's yet ANOTHER episode in which a crew member is accused of a crime and turns out to be innocent (for once, I'd love to see the crew member be guilty.)
My main recollection is being annoyed at the laziness of yet another alien species who look completely human.

Seven seems to be the only sensible crew member, telling Janeway to stop investigating so many damn planets!

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Another cozy marketplace. Why do they all look so similar? Like farmer's markets plus the occasional warp coil trader. Another society with a totally different justice system. Another crew member accused of a felony w/o actually doing anything wrong (on purpose). (Seven's right though: they were ill-prepared for that away mission) Another alien species who force their way into one of the crew member's mind. And of course they needed a fiery victim. Guess what? They assigned this role to B'Elanna. She's too often treated very one-dimensional. That's all very repetitive, isn't it? This makes a weak or mediocre episode at best. But hey, season 4 is still going strong and a few weak episodes are tolerable.

Are whiskers the new Ferengi ears? They could have come up with that a little bit earlier. They could have had so much fun with that.

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Kinda reminiscent of today eh

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This notion that an intelligent society could reasonably expect alien visitors (non-telepathic ones at that) to submit themselves to punishment for transgressing local rules they couldn't possibly have known about let alone avoided doing in the first place is pretty ridiculous.

They mention several times that Starfleet protocol requires them to follow local rules… so then surely the crew should review the local laws before agreeing to step foot on the planet. Heck there could be a law saying locals are permitted to murder aliens.

Also this premise is pretty repetitive by this point. Inevitably turns out the accused crew member was actually innocent and there's something more sinister going on under the surface (S01E07 Ex Post Facto or S03E03 The Chute for example).

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Imagine living in a society where a thought becomes a criminal commodity. No, thanks.
Of course this is also a view upon crime itself. I find it interesting that they didn't went further into the fact that the Federation, too, prides itself that there is hardly any left. Because the fact is, that no matter how hard you try, how harsh your punishment is, you cannot erase it completely.
I would also have like to see some more about Tuvok's violent side as it gives the character another layer.
What's worth mentioning is Seven's view of things about how they approach other civilizations. You would think that you inform yourself thoroughly before sending down crew members. Then again I recall an incident involving young Wesley Crusher.....
And what she told Janeway at the end was also mater of fact. Janeway's response, that she dreads the day everyone on board shares her opinion, is almost laughable.

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