The romance is really not believable at all, and the same can be said for the dialogue.

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This one had some pretty serious problems. It felt like an episode of According to Jim that had been translated into a Star Wars episode. There's a lot of thematic hay to be made from conflicts between personal connections and duty, but this had all the subtlety and nuance of a Rancor. Turning Anakin and Padme's argument about spying on Padme's old flame Clovis had more to do with According To Jim than a Galaxy Far Far Away, and the cheesy jealousy storyline didn't help matters.

That said, there was a silver lining to the dark clouds. The episode did show a bad guy being good. Clovis, despite his ill-intentions and attempted strong-arming, seemed to legitimately care for Padme to where he was willing to risk his whole scheme to save her. And then it showed a good guy being bad, with Anakin willing to throw Clovis to the lions despite his help, as a sign of a certain ruthlessness within him, especially when it comes to Padme that works as some nice foreshadowing. That's a touch of nuance in an otherwise hammy, unsubtle episode, but it wasn't enough to raise the overall quality of it.

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An enjoyable episode...minus Padmé's choice of wardrobe.

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that was some reverse psychology conversation anakin & padme had, whether intentional or not anakin sure succeeded his task of persuading padme into spying clovis :)

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