Shout by anthoney65

This was pretty good. The Gym Rats (SportsMaster and Tigress) showed excellent team work and played off of each other nicely both in costume and out.

I wanted to see some staff blasts from Stargirl. After the puck bomb she should have never let the badminton birdie get close.

We also got to see the shot of the JSA from Crisis. Which was cool. They did get their asses beat (again) but that just highlights their lack of training. The only one who knows how to fight is Yolanda but Stargirl is doing ok.

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Okay, so this one was an improvement. Not only was it satisfying to see Courtney on the receiving end of know-it-all young people who don't listen, but it was nice to see them all get their backsides handed to them when they went into battle without a clue. Fortunately Pat showed up with his big Transformer that he's still somehow able to get in and out of that midtown garage without anyone noticing...

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And now I'm in love with the villains

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the fight scenes in this episode are awesome :thumbsup:

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Another amazing episode. This show is really something special. Is the first time that I watch a super hero show that is really honest about the origin of the characters. I mean, it was their first mission as JSA and they really screwed up. If wasn't for Pat they probably would be dead. That was so honest. It would be predictable if they have won that fight. That's what I like the most about this show. It just have to keep going with those great episodes. A careful development for every character (not a slow development, which would be bad). The show really have a good rythm. I am definitely hooked up on this show!

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So Good
I was so pissed that they
wouldn't listen to
The Boss Lady herself
Court, and Beth can't say
shit if we take her borrowed
A.I off her, so annoyingly
It should be
They all either follow
Courts lead are they are
out/off the Team.
(Excluding Pat of course).
That being said
and Tigress are just
too cool and are
Totally frickin awesome,
can't get enough of them
and Court was Sensational
as ever, I'm in complete
Awe with her and when
she stepped up for the
Big Fight just blow my
mind, she Amazing
and the 1 reason this
show is my absolute favourite
DC show of all time.
I'm here for

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The best part of this episode was seeing them getting their asses handed to them when they thought they knew everything. I feel as though Stargirl is already falling into the trap that ruined all the other CW shows. The jury is still out, but hopefully these female characters will eventually be more likeable than others on superhero shows on the CW.

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All the 5 first episode were meh, this one, this one is better. I fthey keep the same quality, this might end up becoming a great show, it felt more like a superhero show than just riverdale.

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Nice was so funny and the 2 new maniacs have nice skills :)

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Still too much teenage angst for me. The show has promise but after six episodes, it still feels like a 1970s Disney movie. It could be worse and feel like a remake of a 1970s Disney movie...

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The Villains are too cool.I want another series for injustice society.A bunch of kids fighting them seems awkward

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