Personal Lists featuring...

Stylista 2008


Culinary. Competition. Documentary. Game. Reality. Variety.

Subgenres: Dating. Drama. Home Improvement. Lifestyle. Talent (e.g. Fashion, Improv, Singing)


Competition reality shows I've watched, started to watch or want to watch.

List directory:
» 1-10: dating (10)
» 11-40: job/talent search (30)
---- 11-16: tattoos (6)
---- 17-23: art (7)
---- 24-27: fashion (4)
---- 28-32: interior design and architecture (5)
---- 33-37: cooking (5)
-------- 33-34: general (2)
-------- 35-37: cannabis (3)
---- 38: investments (1)
-------- 38: restaurants (1)
---- 39-40: others (2)
» 41-45: game shows (5)
---- 41: sports (1)
---- 42: car racing (1)
---- 43: fear (1)
---- 44-45: others (2)
