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Superman & Lois: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

Decent start. Like Tyler as Clark, don't like the Lois much. Nice to see Emanuelle Chiriqui as Lana. The twins could get irritating. Smallville setting is good. Dialogue is a bit basic. Really didn't like the reveal at the end... Best part of the show was the 4 mins at beginning and the scene where Clark races to his mother. And I liked the nod to Reeves with the water cooling. But the villain had seemed an afterthought and a lazy creation. Did he really need a nemesis in the very first episode?

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2021-02-24T01:53:47Z— updated 2021-02-26T17:09:37Z

Quite good and less woke and preachy than Supergirl. Though it does have the usual CW family drama you’d expect. Jordan is about as annoying and whiny as one of Walker’s kids so far.
Plus you just know there’s going to be a fight at the teen beach party. Isn’t there always one ?
I wish Jon Cryer’s Lex was in this. Since this must take place years after Crisis though. With the Kent boys being teens when they weren’t even born yet in that. Cryer’s Lex could be dead. Possibly dies in the last season of Supergirl.

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That was actually surprisingly decent for a CW show. If they manage to keep the same production values and don't go crazy with the CW clitche's across the whole season they might have something here.

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Ok I love the concept and what they're going for here, but the writers really need to kick up their game in the "dialogue" department. This dialogue is so in your face scripted and formulaic it's insane.....

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Doom Guy has one last Martian to kill.

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The episode was pretty decent. Even the sappy, CW teen angst drama wasn't too annoying.

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After-thought... As someone old enough to remember Lois & Clark, I cannot help but think of the reveal of Lois Lane. S&L's Lois did not look like a Lois he would fall in love with immediately. L&C's Lois was spellbinding. Teri Hatcher was every man's dream as she turned to the camera that first time. I don't like the Lois casting here at all.

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Loved this. rather than retreading old ground, it gives a unique look at Superman. Giving Superman real problems, makes him relatable and I hope they manage to maintain the quality.

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Amazing first episode! Please dont turn into PC, woke garbage. PLEASE!!

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The first 7 minutes of this episode feels more authentically like Superman than all 3 Snyder films combined.

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this pilot is so amazing and so different from the other arrowverse show's pilot. also the cinematography is so beautiful like how is this part of arrowverse???

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I don’t even know how I convinced myself to watch this first episode. It’s a hello and goodbye for me. Clark and Lois have no frigging clue about being parents. They raised an almost spoiled brat who treats his twin brother horribly, and Clark has no idea how to talk to the other teenage son who has an important mental condition. I mean, after 14 years and someone as clever as sups doesn’t know how to raise a family?

I’m sorry, but I see no chemistry between Superman/Lois and the teens. They’re a step away from being quite a dysfunctional family. The writing and the lines are just awful... After being raised by the Kents as an incredible person, Clark is borderline pathetic as a father. I didn’t feel the values that he learned from papa Kent.

One son is the stereotypical jock and the other is the stereotypical angsty teen, which really gets on my nerves.

After all, it’s a CW show... you can’t ask for much.

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"I do have super smell,
by the way.
I just don't use it very often,
you know. Not with two teenage boys
in the house. Kinda gross." LOL. So true.

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I love the strong family connections - Dad taking responsibility for his children and admitting when he’s wrong.

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Surpassed my expectations, looking forward to watching the next episode. Reminds me of Smallville in a way.

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I like how they are targeting previous Smallville fans who are now who are now all grown up and with families (i'm one of them - do they even watch these series anymore?)

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That was pretty good but damn those boys are annoying. I don't know if I can take too much of them.

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some seriously amateur acting on all parts. zero chemistry between literally any of the actors, over-acting parts that don't require it, a bad pick for the Clark/Superman actor, Lois (the actress) isn't even hot enough to keep me sticking with it (they should've taken the cue from the actress who played Lana in Smallville), and of course the usual cucking thrown in since it's yet another "woke" CW superhero show (black boyfriend for the white girl, attacks white boy for kissing his girlfriend :rolling_eyes::middle_finger_tone3:).

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this was a good premier. i'm really interested to see the mix between a superhero action movie and a family drama tv series that they have going on here. seems like they're doing a great job of setting up the drama already.

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Shout by lu2s

No it cannot be true... you are not supermen dad, we know supermen (Clark takes of glass)... oh my God :) LoL. Just for this kind of stupidly I cannot make through the episode.

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So this frist EP for the show is heavy and dark, I like it, can’t wait to see why else they bring to the show.

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It was spectacular, intriguing, dynamic, outstanding...definition of the whole episode. The Superman character played by Tyler Hoechlin was literally 10/10.

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Jesus Christ that was awesome. Was not expecting that. What a thumping score, great surround effects and movie like cinematography. I'm all in!

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Shout by Aid45

I liked the Pilot. The biological kids are not as irritating as I was thinking they'd be, not yet anyway. The younger kid looks like a girl. I wonder if his brother will have powers. I think he will. Seems odd that one will has heat vision but still can get a bloody face and still protect his brother from those metal tubes. I hope Superman will be better prepared to fight Captain Luthor

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A different approach, either by the actors, with means, for now, we continue

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Haven't watched the show yet but I already don't like the children I saw in the trailor. I hope there won't be a load of school/teenage drama. They should take a back seat.

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Wait who is this luthor? Didn't we have Alan as luthor, who is this fella?
Well... I guess everyone is better than Alan at this point.

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The pilot episode exceeded my expectations. A really good beginning to the show, looking forward to the next episodes. I felt like watching a feature film, not a tv show - the CGI was on point! Good job CW - hope that you keep up.

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the episode was quite boring and jordan is annoying af, but I'll continue watching for a few more eps in case it gets better.
not a big fan of tyler as superman but he's kinda ok i guess.
i absolutely love supergirl and this episode seems bland compared to supergirl's pilot

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Shout by onlime

Oh no. Not another superhero show. Is what I thought initially. But this is different and worth watching.

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Yes, only first episode I think best series yet. Looking forward to watching more.

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literally the best superman I have seen in years and the villain reveal YES!

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