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The Bear: Season 3

3x02 Next

The intro felt like a love letter to workin folks and I can appreciate that.
No notes.

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Sometimes, it feels like they overdo the arguing and the "fuck you"-s to the point where it feels like a SNL sketch.

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The word 'fuck' is used 68 times in the 22 minute runtime (excluding titles and theme music).

The word 'chef' is used 24 times in the 22 minute runtime (excluding titles and theme music).

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Ah yes, the chaos continues...

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That abrupt shift in tone when Marcus enters the room. Damn, this show is just so good.

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life is... really messy isn't it? It's always 4pm problem even at 8:30 in the morning

their distinct dialogue rhythms are back in full force in this episode

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Masterclass of storytelling, first they bring you into Carmys mindset with episode 1 and confront you with the reactions of the rest of the crew to his insanity. You can feel Carmys frustration of „why don’t you get it?“. But they have not lived in his shoes like we did in episode 1. Such a nice spin on this angle.

Only thing that bothered me was that argument with Rich and Carmy felt artificial after a while, felt like fan service at one point. Kind of overdone it.

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The intro was so beautiful, this show's straight up making me fall in love with the city of Chicago and I've never even been there.

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The "none'ya" joke from the uncle when they are all screaming at each other is epic.

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Maybe it's just me but this ep didn't do it for me. None of the yelling felt genuine. it just felt really scripted and paint by numbers like an AI prompt for what The Bear is supposed to be.

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Didn't love this one as much (as the fantastic first episode). The expletives and arguing was a bit too much. I also can never gel with Sydney (I find her so annoying).

Jeremy Allen White continues to be a tour de force and Ebon Moss-Bachrach is right there with him.

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They really made up for 2 seasons w/o an intro credits with that one huh, but once I realized it featured basically all service workers I was okay with it being as long as it needed to spotlight all the behind-the-scenes people that make restaurants/hotels/etc go

FUCKING PUT SOME RESPECT ON RICHIE'S NAME GODAMMIT CARMY, been a Richie fan all series long and I seriously need one character to explicitly be in his corner ffs

Marcus :sob: (Richie needs a Marcus)

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"I insist that you get fucked, my good man."
The 'fuck you' shouting match was awesome. :rofl:

Also, "Take us there, Bear." :pray:

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That's a lot of "fuck you"s in a single episode

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Lol, someone in the comments counted the word 'fuck' is used 68 times in 22 minutes

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CHICAGO WE ARE BACK!!! this was a great mirroring perspective on grief. really liked it. nice dream was another good radiohead pick on their behalf for the credits.

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"Take us there, Bear"

Much better episode than the first. While the first episode was relevant enough to explain some of the weirdest choices Bear makes in this episode, this takes it to the next level with a decision that he makes that start out absolutely mental (still does, to be fair), but slowly begins to make a little bit more sense as the episode progresses. As they say, yes....yes, it's crazy, but it might be crazy enough to work! Loving the direction this season is headed.

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Plot :star::star::star::star:½ (8.5)
Characters :star::star::star::star:½ (9.0)
Acting :star::star::star::star:½ (9.0)
Directing :star::star::star::star::star: (9.5)

Total :star::star::star::star:½ (9.0)

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Not as bad as episode one but not much better,where has the magic gone?

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A lot of cursing, not much. Have you lost your magic, bear? Its kind of like before, but more superficial, without the heart. Come on, get it together.

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Absolutely great start sequence with a focus on the thousands of hands that keep society running in the background or in the gastronomic sector or in the hotel industry every day.

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A strong episode with a restaurant that is getting off the ground and with emotions that are contained but very loosely so

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when its funny, its hilarious. this show is such a well oiled machine that expertly changes gear and when its time to rev up, they feckin go to 11.

actors editing vibrant collab hell yea

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This episode is theater, pure theater!

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I'm usually not a fan of when shits get sorted and peace is destroyed for "no reason". In this show the self destructive behavior is supported in the characters backstory so I'll give it a fair shake... It's usually just a cheap way to keep chaos when there's no need for one.

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Are they trying to shove the most Fuck Yous into 30 minutes? I think, they succeeded.

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Please, please, no kitchen next episode. That was a visual and verbal overload. Not sure I had another ‘Doors!’ in me either!

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Was hoping to watch this sooner but already loving the start of it. Great stuff with these first two episodes.

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Jesus Christ this show gives me anxiety. On a side note, it’s season 3 and my wife, who’s “watched” every episode until now says “omg, is that Chicago?” ‍♂

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Oh good! After the weird, artsy episode, we’re back to the endless insane yelling.

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Initial Reaction: That's more like it!

OK, so this should have been the season premiere in my opinion.

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This is becoming one of my favourite shows. Up there with BB, Bojack, and all. Take us there, Bear!

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