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The Blacklist 2013

If you like Spader - this is a must watch. Personally i think this is one of his best works and excellent TV drama!

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Dropped it after the first season, sure it may not be the worst show or sure it may not even be bad but for me at least it felt pretty boring and repeditive after a while.

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Great show, can't wait to see more in January.

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This has been an amazing trash fire over the past two seasons. It has been since season 5 I'd say, but season 8 tops everything. Characters aren't their usual self anymore and Liz isn't only dumb, she's become insufferable.

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am I the only one who thinks that this show has good music?

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Horribly formulaic and repetitive, with shallow characters as well. Only watching this because the hubby likes it.

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They lost me half way through season 4. Not sure I am going back or not. Loved season 1and 2..

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altough the series can be boring a lot of times and repetitive, Reddington is such a good character and spade is such a good actor, it makes me want to watch more, just like House did

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It's okay-ish but I think Megan Boone is an absolutely lousy actress.

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I really like the show, mostly because of James Spader's act, but it feels endless sometimes. It should have stopped two seasons ago.

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Spader maybe is ok (meh) bat the girl is crap ...

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Homeland meets Silence of the Lambs.

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stop it! this is painful to watch
7 seasons is too much

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the black list is tje best tv serie ever

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definitely not my cup of tea, very boring and repetitive, in my opinion - trudged through 16 episodes and never hooked me as a fan

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What's good about the show? The plot.
Does Spader delivers? most of the time, despite all the extravagance...
What's so bad about it? All the rest. Cast, make up, relationship with humans' basic psychology and this world's reality. The cast is so but so terrible. ESPECIALLY Elizabeth and Donald. I mean, take them out and this might become worthy of my weekends' night-inns.

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Just dropped the show, two episodes before the finale. The Blacklist used to be enjoyable but now even James Spader's voice can't keep me from sleeping through an episode. Don't watch this, it's an absolute loss of time.

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Raymond and his have spent a bunch of time with us over the past decade. We're going to miss you!

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Man... I started watching this show when it came out. It's the end of an era and this ending is so... bittersweet. Overall, they stretched it for way too long, IMO, but it provided entertainment and my attachment to Raymond Reddington kept me from abandoning it even at its worst moments. James Spader's back must HURT from carrying this show, but I can't deny the other cast members did a good job as well. I will miss Red's rizz, charisma, nerve, and talent for crime.

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still one of my favorite shows. never get boring

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This show became more and more like a soap opera with better production with each new episode. Honestly, this shoud have lasted only 6 seasons. It would have been better it there were less major new developments that needed whole season to get answered and less cheap storytelling tricks. It leaves a bitter taste considering that early seasons were much better, and from season 5 onward it just keeps getting stale. I just stopped watching after s07e10 and I don't have an urge anymore to know the answers to what happened.

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Shout by Marshall64

The show of has become dry and boring without the Liz/Red story arc. My interest died with Liz. A more suitable ending would have been Dembe shooting Redington afterwards. Finally putting an end to all the madness and misery. 8 seasons is enough. Good luck!

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This is somehow both boring and stressful. Why would anyone want to watch a miserable show where miserable things happen while being some bland?

There are way too many shows out there to be making generic, repetitive, boring stuff like this.

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dropped after 16-18 episodes
repeditive, its like watching the same movie again and again and again,
first season is like
new threat
someone is in danger beacuse theres a psychopath that had his life twisted.
they come and save the day
end of an episode.

its basiclly the same like watching the kid show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-someone wants them dead-they fight him-win
and the episode ends, EVERY TIME

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Boring show in my opinion

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I used to think that NBC was paying for all of the dull positive reviews here and on metacritic, but since so many of them mention how much they have a James Spader crush and his acting in this show is terrible I have had to rethink my conclusion and now believe it is Spader who is paying college students to write his reviews.

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what a long long journey for me this show was !! very very poor acting of Keen (idk her name) and the rest of the cast except for Red who makes it really watchable for me !! but no Liz makes it so sufferable so boring ugh

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After making a lot of fun on most of the episodes, rant on Twitter about the awfulness of the stupidity and logical flaws I drop this crap at episode 14. I know have two more episodes lying on my HDD but I don't even want to watch one more episode of this crap.
This show had its peak somewhere around the 10th episode (out of nowhere, without building anything up!) and fell back in place of the worst new show these last years alongside Helix. Congrats.
If I had to choose which show is better The Blacklist or Helix, I'd rather shoot myself than giving an answer as none of these two deserve any praise at all.

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Horrible plot. Horrible show. They should just cancel it.

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Characters you feel nothing for that are either under- or overplayed, and a weak story. Too bad, I was hoping it would go somewhere but Im jumping ship after 12 episodes.

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Extremely poor acting. Weak plots. Dumbfounding characterizations.

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Extremely weak acting by some of the key actors and paper thin obvious plots. Don't waste your time unless you want something bland.

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Can't believe how this series gets rather favorable critics. It's one of the most awful series I have ever seen. The Blacklist is quite enjoyable, though - as a comedy show. There's a "review" on Metacritic with a 0/10 score that perfectly sums it up. I just watch it for the good laugh that it provides for weeks now. Although, to be fair, ep 10 was actually decent and gets a 5/10 from me, still the whole show as it is is just awful - unless you see it as a comedy show.

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I love Spader , he was awesome in BL and the practice... Sadly after a few episodes it seems that Spader is all what the show has going on for it ... The story is not every impressing or particularly interesting. If the writers don't step up soon I can see the show being cancelled after 1 season.

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Another series carefully groomed by focus group responses. After the pilot the main character, Keen, should be be in jail awaiting trial for assault with a deadly weapon. She should have failed probation for failing to disclose her father's criminal history during the background process. She should have also been instantly fired from the FBI for 1) attacking a prisoner then 2) gross negligence in failing to report a bomb threat then 3) calling the prisoner instead of the authorities when she found the kidnap victim then 4) failing to report the discovery of the box of money and IDs under her floorboards to her supervisors.
The editing style is meant to give a sense of urgency, but results in plot holes and missed opportunities at character building. This series is going to be as much of a failure as Castle with plenty of ignorant or insulting dialogue and scenarios to poke fun at.

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Please for the love of everything, END THE SHOW ALREADY!!!

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I think this is the best procedural of the 2010s. Spader is the show, he's just phenomenal and owns his role. The action is top notch, especially for network TV. Most of the stories of the week and villains feel special and unique, in fact, I think it's safe to say that the stories of the week are actually better than the larger story arcs. It's an amazing procedural because it does all the procedural things so well: great weekly stories, great weekly characters, and a very strong and likeable lead in Spader.

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I enjoyed S08E8. But, I have to admit I'm getting of the entertainment industry to afraid to ever portray China as the country trying to steel U.S. secrets. It's always Russia, Russia. Rant done... :-)

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty obvious the people that make this a hit show are not on this comment board.

It's great show in my opinion. You either like it or you don't but from some of the comments it appears even those that don't like it still watch it for some reason. Go figure.

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Great show that spans character development and story development over the course of several seasons. If you can ignore how annoying Elizabeth is then you will have a great experience watching this show.

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At the end of season 8 with season 9 green lit I wanted to share without spoilers my honest take on the show in general. I've had Blacklist as my go to show when airing. It's been 8 seasons so there has been some real clangers and some episodes that could be termed snooze fests. But over all the show is intriguing and very watchable with James Spader being brilliant with the other cast members having their excellent moments also. The have been some epic, spiking a touchdown, knockout in the first round, exceptional episodes that I wouldn't be able to do justice to with just words. Some excellent writing! One of the most touching and unforgettable episodes paying tribute to Clark Middleton's character Glen Carter "Jellybean". Simply outstanding! This has to be The Best farewells to a loved character and cast member that I can say ice seen in any show (And I've seen a Lot of shows). The Blacklist is good viewing in my humble opinion.

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Spader is great and carries the show.

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Enjoyed season 1; stopped watching the disappointing 2nd season after 3 episodes. They lost their mojo.

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Shout by Deleted

Such an intriguing, exciting and interesting series! Love how it plays out revolving both Liz's personal and professional work life. Nothing like I've watched before.

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The story and Spader in particular are amazing, but after 9 seasons I truest feel it’s time to end it while the taste is good still.
Feel the story around Elizebeth has been dragged long enough

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Season 9 is really boring! :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

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First 5 seasons were excellent, season 6 was good, season 7 not so good...

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Eight seasons too long! Please wrap it up. Even GOT has ended in season 8 in a floppy poop.

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Liz has got to be the worst FBI agent ever... she's forever getting caught, ambushed, or beaten...gaddam.
I enjoy Reddington's character very much but I believe it was Lizzy's character that made me abandon this series when it first came out.
Regardless, here I am again giving it a chance now that I can binge watch...still feel Lizzy is exasperating though :rolling_eyes:

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James Spader is awesome! I loved him in Boston Legal, he's even better here!

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Why is it off again for so long? To get people to watch the new show "The Blacklist: Redemption"?

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Do you still like this show, now that it's in season 4 and like an old senile man saying the thing over and over again?
ughh.. enough with the damn baby !

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3 seasons of blacklist is more than enough. /out

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Addicted. Love this show. Keeps you thinking throughout

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Shout by fvcole

Great Show

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Bad acting/direction/characters, silly dialogue, simple plots, but still manages to be slightly entertaining. If you're not paying too close attention to it.

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I’ve started this show twice. I can never get enough of James Spader. Being ended, I will start again and savour slowly all the episodes.

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My only wish is to see James Spader along with Kevin Spacey in some sort of movie or show. That would be a pure acting masterclass

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Good series especially series1 , loses its way around series 6/7 but last series fitting end

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A show that starts out good with some entertaining criminal-of-the-week stuff and some tidbits of overarching mystery sprinkled in. But as the mysteries start to pile on higher and higher, they constantly move the goalposts in providing answers, and also have more than a few rugpulls with answers that turn out to be false or half-truths. All in all, the show ran for far too long. Season 4 was easily the peak of the show, and then began its tumble downhill from there. The last few seasons are especially terrible, even if there are still nuggets of good bits strewn about. You could probably condense the show to about 5, maybe 6 seasons of worthwhile content if you were to throw out all the chaff.

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I always wondered : "What are the other agents at task force's headquarters there for ?"

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I really liked the last season, but WTFH.... This is the absolutely fucking worst ending I have ever seen. There are plenty of other TV shows which also fucked it up really bad, but WFT was THIS........

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Got Repetitive quick, couldn't finish.

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Enjoyed the show but after a while the show got repetitive and I stopped watching after 8 and a half seasons.

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one of my favorites ever

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That Pilot is terrific TV and had immense potential. The show itself gets carried by charismatic Spader with often enough milquetoast "lively", "have seen the world" esprit. Most often generic but enjoyable.

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Shout by Rjesus

One of the best series I've ever watched, fun and intelligent.

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What an exciting start to a show. This wanted criminal, catching crims with inside knowledge. Lots of chases, few thrilling parts, and plot twists galore. If you reapply this formula a few times you think you would shorten the timeframe to keep people interested right? Well they don't.

This show is a lot like that new fancy job, it starts of fun and exciting then after a few years it all settles down and you realise you're doing the same ole day in and day out. Such a shame for the show.

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[Viaplay] It has managed to be an original procedural that has had irregular and downright bad seasons at times. And although Raymond Reddington's character deserved a more spectacular ending than that strange and ridiculous parallel with the bullfighter Manolete, he has ended up being one of the most seductive protagonists/antagonists of a time marked by fundamental changes in the world of television. "The blacklist" is perhaps one one of the last remaining survivors of the traditional format of procedural series.

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I'm not even sure what to say. The series started off strong, then had its ups and downs. The last season felt whimsical and rushed. I stuck with this series to the end, and I wouldn't describe myself as unhappy with the ending. I'd say the series as a whole, particularly this last season and the ending, left me unfulfilled. It was without purpose or lasting effect. Spader is superb in this role, though.

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I can’t believe the stupid ending to the series the great and powerful Raymond Reddington isn’t brought down by the government or by some other criminal kingpin oh no he’s killed off by a charging bull that he just stares at an allows to Mangle his body…. I’m sorry but that’s gotta be the dumbest ending to a series ever it could’ve gone any better ways from him finally getting put behind bars or him flying off to somewhere with his bodyguard lover living out the rest of his days or that all this time he was winding down because he was dying from something any of these would’ve been a better ending than them killing him off by a stupid bull!

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Shout by Jaime
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-07-15T17:32:01Z— updated 2023-07-18T12:30:42Z

Should have ended when Liz died. This season has been painful to watch.

Reds death was laughable, but to be honest I always knew he would die a stupid death.

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Shout by Emily

Dropped it after the 8th season. The premise of the show is intriguing—hence why I hung on for so long—but with Liz gone, I don't see the point.

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Bored at season five. Always the same story

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Doesn’t track the serie no more

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Nice way to tie this up. Marvin as the traitor seemed so out of left field though. Mr Kaplan for the love of Elizabeth and Marvin for some twisted love of Raymond, the business, and jealously. It’s crazy Marvin’s ego was so inflated that he couldn’t trust the man he loved to ensure Elizabeth knew how to keep the business afloat for her and Agnes future. A waste.

Spoilers aside I really liked the ending to this travesty. I’m excited to see next season even though I would have been fine with them ending it at season 9. It felt like they weren’t sure the first season without Megan Boone would be received well and while it took me almost a year to finish it it was not bad. I still love Red and hate Ressler.

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I was really into this show for the first few seasons, then it got repetitive and the Elizabeth Keen character became too over the top. I'll probably try to re-watch this again to see if I can get past this, obviously many others did given the high rating on Trakt, the number of seasons and people I know who still love this show.

I like the premise of the show, but that list is pretty damn big to be 9 seasons worth of ticking bad-guys off the list.

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We absolutely loved it in the first few seasons. Eventually it became boring, same plot twists and prolonged story line. I think this would of been more enjoyable if there were 10 episodes per season, not 22.

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Don’t invest yourself into it. Seasons 1 and 2 are good. Everything after that is mostly rinse and repeat. Oh and I feel sick of the music (lyrics specifically, the music is good) that’s always blatantly related to the events happening. I’m also sick of cliffhangers, to the point where I just skip 20 seconds when I see a big reveal coming, because it isn’t coming yet. There’s almost nothing intriguing going on and everything is super slow paced for the sake of more episodes. I say almost because there’s some episodes that are cool but all in all it’s mostly a show to watch while eating.

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Shout by Oscar Alvarez

it won't show anything please help me?

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Yeah! Great wind up of Season 8. What's better is The Blacklist is green lit for Season 9. Now the only trouble is waiting for Season 9 to be run.

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The show started interesting, but after watching half the first season it got little boring. I stopped and started the show few times when I was bored and there was nothing else to watch. Every season is kind of the same. Later seasons changed little the dynamic, but was not better. The overall season arcs of the series are predictable and the twists are not so surprising. The "smart" ways Reddington works, talks and move, are not that smart. The talking and "knowledge" he seems to convey are interesting for few episodes, after that you can just fast forward every time he starts the babbling. There is nothing new. The characters at the task force have better character evolution then Reddington or Keen. I even can says Reddington characters has not moved from episode 1. Keen's little different, but almost the same. Maybe contributing factor is that Megan Boone acting seems bad almost all the show. I am watching it on autopilot.

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Been great but... gone past it's sell by date now. Keen character is now totally unbelievable and even Reddington can't fix it. I hope they wrap it up nicely but none of these US long running series have a good track record for that.

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Guess they did mention China 2/3 of the through. So I can be happy now. ;-)

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Woah. Mind blown! The first three seasons were fire!!!! 8/10

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Shout by marovargovcik_1

Good show especially the first three seasons but 7th and 8th season were just unnecessary. Wish they would wrap it up sooner.

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Amazing show. James Spadar is brilliant.

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261120 I am starting first season of blacklist after finishing season 1 of gilmore girls. I watch series season by season. So i will watch one season and they leave for another series.

I did not read too much about series but it looks like white collar series.

I will edit here after watching some seasons i hope.

I will put also this to season 1 comment.

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Shout by Tiago Gama

Amazing show Red is perfect

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So incredibly dull & predictable, it's almost as great background or fall-asleep media as the original Law&Order series

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Shout by Assume

I love this show,I can't get enough of seeing Red in action.

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was a little off after the first season but i like it.

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Didn't got me hooked

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Shout by surleyone

Loved it the sense of irreverence total disregard for the norm the power & control of a character outside of the law & normal society

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Shout by Deleted

very good!!!the best serie!!!

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Shout by Assume Nothing

I love this show so much i can't wait for it to return.

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Shout by Deleted

Love the show. Meghan Boone is amazing actress. Love Red. they are what makes the show

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Season one was of course quite good but seasons 2,3,4 were terrible. Then somehow the show has made it to season five and once again found what made it special in season one.

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I like it, but I wish we got more facetime with Reddington. I'm getting tired of Elizabeth Keen and the other characters from the task force. I do like spin-off (Blacklist: Redemption) with Tom and Scottie, but want to see an episode or two wth Reddington—I like the character that much. James Spader is amazing.

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