It's weird how this series is better now compared to its last couple of seasons, due to the fact the main/second main character is absent. I don't miss Liz at all, she was such a nuisance.

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Very nice seeing a trans actor not playing a trans character. Kudos on the casting.

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Way too much torture porn. And the gross reveal of the guy missing a jaw wasn't even necessary, because that led nowhere.

Glad that Dembe got a bit of the spotlight, though. He gets relegated to the background too often.

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The worst episode in a long time. Especially that 'actress' portraying Dr Laken Perillos was useless.
Too bad they also are keeping hung up on Liz with literally everything.

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This show is starting to go down the "woke" path. It's becoming unwatchable. Soon; I suspect, it'll be added to my "blacklist".

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Liz was a great character until her bonding with Katerina, then she became a whiny, petulant child. She's much more effective now that we don't see her. The series keeps up the tension and is much more interesting without her running around whining "She was my mother:.

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I'm boycotting this until Lizzie returns

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