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The Book of Boba Fett 2021

I don't know what is slower. The Bantha or this show.

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The datevhas been anounnced: 29 december

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Disney ruining the few mysteries left from the original movies, boring shit that actively makes the star wars saga worse.

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Disney finally decides to propose a show that is not intended only for teenagers or fanboyz / girlz of Star Wars. This show draws heavily from the legendary spaghetti westerns, in the groove already dug with The Mandalorian. Very enjoyable.

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not much to say about. Very very cool! :D

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I Really wanted to Enjoy this show however when the best 2 episodes of your 7 episode series are actually episodes of the Mandalorian you have problems.

The best part of this for me was The Escape from the Sarlacc pit and his recovery and "redemption" with the Tuskens

Ultimately a middle of the road series and I was in no hurry to finish watching it. Hopefully Obi Wan will learn from this and be a more cohesive series when it arrives.

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2 Episodes in and very disappointed. Series looks very boring, nothing more to add to the story just a waste of time.

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absolutely brilliant show. If not watched yet then do so and don't listen to the absolute idiots in the comment section. who clearly have no taste.. Give People the internet and everyone thinks they are a critic.

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people can say whatever they want about the series, but idc. i'm loving it so far

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A solid “meh” so far. The best thing is how everyone loves Boba Fett because he has a cool helmut and ship. 2 minutes of screen time in the original trilogy, does nothing, falls down and ends up in the Sarlaac. There are some good bits so far, but it’s pretty slow and drawn out.

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All I remember is old man Boba Fett have new teeth...

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I'm enjoying it so far...

But once you realize the Tusken Raiders are synchronized by donkeys you can't stop thinking about it every time you hear them.

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Really hard to understand why did they produce this series....

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:heart: x8
An excellent new show. Very entertaining, even laugh-out-loud funny at times. Looking forward to more.

Also. . . Bobba Fett ate the Geico gekko oh noes!!!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I am very sorry but, in my opinion, it has not respected the level of Star Wars. The Mandalorian had raised the bar and I expected this series to keep that level.
It bored me a lot and I was willing to drop it but I made an effort to see it. I'm very sorry, because I was expecting a lot.

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Book of Everyone Except Boba Fett.

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If you shuffle the storylines around a bit, this could've worked fine as Mandalorian S3. The best episodes are those who feel like that anyways. The first half of the season is okay. As a fan, it's good to see Boba's story after the pit. That second half? My oh my, that was amazing. It has everything a Star Wars-fan wants : cameo's, lightsabers, space ships, new/familiar characters & droids (even more if you watched the Clone Wars-series and played the Jedi Fallen Order-game - Was that BD-1?! ) and an amazing conclusion which ties the season together well.

The problem with this show is: Boba Fett's supposed to be the main character, but he is also the most boring one. That's why I can't give this a 8/10 (it kind of deserves it though). The best episodes are the ones where the name on the poster doesn't have the spotlight. That's a problem.

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If you're 12 or 13 years old or younger you may like this other wise don't bother. Disney have turned a once great bounty hunting dark warrior type character into a soft wet noodle, should have made this for grown ups, just avoid.

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Definitely watch a fanedit. I recommend the "Reign of Boba Fett".

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Not as good as the Mandalorian unfortunately
He does make it better when he shows up but it still isn't enough to save this show...

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I rated the show an 8. If you liked The Mandalorian you'll like this. The reason it's an 8 rather than a 10 is because Boba Fett ends up taking a back seat to Din Djarin on his own show with events that quite frankly are massive for The Mandalorian and in all rights should've been on that show instead. For that reason I have to detract from the rating. Realistically this should've been an arc of The Mandalorian with a longer season of that itself for that purpose. It doesn't seem like there'll be another season of this show and as a result it seems like it was just an extension of The Mandalorian telling a bit of a side story that then heavily ties into the main story (as in multiple entire episodes). That's nice though I was hoping this would be a thing of its own with a full on focus on Boba Fett, and with many seasons in store for it. And it just doesn't seem like that'll be the case.

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After a slow start it picks up and turns into Mando 2.5.

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Again another show made to justify the rediculous amount of money Disney paid for the star wars rights so they need to get out every last drop and these shows are the dregs.

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A poorly acted TV show, that was somewhat rescued by the Mandalorian series.

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In the universe of stories, intra-stories and sub-stories created by Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kennedy, this is the most surprising as a subplot of a "Star Wars" subplot that has so little independent entity that it even abandons its main character in two episodes. In such a way that the metaverse becomes an unnecessary extension through characters that hardly sustain a story by themselves. Only nostalgia remains.

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Great show, nice graphics. a lots of action, and fun too. Even Clint Eastwood was there. 8.5/10

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The best parts of the show barely revolved around Boba himself. The first half was hit or miss.

The great parts clearly were by Mando, Grogu, etc. Them and like Luke, cad bane, etc clearly stole the show. Quite unfortunate.

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I kind of like the show, but the story is just lazy writing. The characters make weird decisions and does not make any sense. For mindless entertainment it’s ok

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I love Star Wars and the special effects of this and Mando are worth watching. Sure, it’s not non-stop action, but it’s interesting to me to see the back stories and this was particularly interesting because it dives deeper into a character we knew little about from the movies.

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So far I like the series, I love how it was tied in to begin at the end of the movies, however I think they move a little fast and can spend some more time developing the characters and events that happen around them

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This thing gets more magnificent with each episode. Damn!

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Yoh Boba! Agent May FTW! Peace!

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ehhh just another to add

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So many Star Wars races in a short episode did not make a worth while watch and for me overall just made it a poor drawn out experience of what in my opinion is Disney milking the franchise a little more.

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Same people that have brought Mandalorian to life are behind this.
So it begs the question: Why? Why do we need this series? Why not just expand on the Mandalorian series?
It's obviously during a different timeline.. but do we really need it?

First episode is somewhat interesting, but not even close to amazing. Will give it some time because Mandalorian didn't get good till the second season, but not sure how long I'll stay interested at this point.

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This is a man's show! Magnificent in a way no recent show has ever been. No woke liberal crap . Just pure story telling. Relax and enjoy. It's the way entertainment is supposed to be. Thanks guys!

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The overall season will still hopefully be entertaining enough. But talk about retro fitting a character after the fact. Certainly not the Bounty Hunter we grew up with or imagined based on what little we saw.

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Kinda boring, disappointing. Mando had an interesting story, and good action/effects. This so far has a story, albeit weak, and not much action. Mostly meetings, dialogue, more meetings, followed by more dialogue.
And what's with the street tuffs on tricked out rascal scooters? So far this is not a good show.

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Absolutely recommend for Star Wars fans, it follows the movies and series brilliantly!

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If Robert Rodriguez didn't direct 3 of the episodes, this show would have easily been like an 8/10. But TERRIBLE action choreography with abhorrent editing and extremely cliche storytelling at times just brings it down. Could have actually been decent but like even for mindless entertainment it's less than decent

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Fun in a "bashing your action figures together" kind of way. I admire what they've done here tho, really. The commitment to source material (Westerns and Star Wars) down to the dogged commitment to practical effects wherever possible, is pretty fucking rad, especially coming off the CGI abomination that was Wheel of Time.

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It's a good show, honestly, I didn't remember him from the movie sooo. The only thing I hate about the star wars spin off, is Luke Skywalker, he is everywhere ! It's like the galaxy is roughly the size of a village at this point. Let him die for good, don't use him or any another main character... There's so much to explore and so much untold story in star wars... The name of the show is "STAR WAR", not The Story of Luke Skywalker/ in The Mandalorian/ In the book of boba feet....

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Disney have ruined most things for me but with one episode it's been enjoyable. I hated Mandalorian .

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One of my favorites from the new Star Wars live action series, it felt like an organic continuation for the story of Boba Fett, turning away from bounty hunting and having his past haunt him through a few story points, like his encounter with the Pike’s, guaranteed to please fans like myself.

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Boba Fett's skin makes me think of Deadpool's.

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Oct 2023- currently watching for 2nd time and I enjoy the details although the storyline this time around is kinda boring until Mando shows up probably :joy:

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Legend has it the first 2 castmembers in the list are still wearing that suit to this day.


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What was that?! The sequences set in the past were the only logical and enjoyable part of this tv show. The random GenZ kids were just purely annoying. Not really too sad that this has ended after just one season. Had so much potential but Disney really manages to screw up a lovely universe quite a bit.

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For the most part I enjoyed it. The episodes with the "kids" are shit.
Unfortunately, this also includes the final one.

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This is a total and complete insult to the legacy of Boba Fett. Not only did the most famous bounty hunter ever become a 'good guy' overnight without much reason, he's WEAK SAUCE. A disgrace.

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It’s all about how you end something to leave a lasting impression on the viewer, and holy moly, did this show leave a lasting impression.

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honestly? haters hate fun. yeah it was a bit slow but it wasn't bad? like i never watched it when it aired because people kept saying it was boring, but i liked it! i actually enjoyed it, a star wars product that was not revolving around the skywalkers or the use of the force, what a breath of fresh air. and they put danny trejo in it. and the absolute babe that is timothy olyphant is in it as well. i had a great time!

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Dumbest show I've seen since The Flash. The writers didn't even bother to rub 2 brain cells together to try to make anything make sense. Unless you're able to turn your brain all the way off when watching something, this show will probably offend you with how mind-blowingly stupid it is.

I wish the standards were higher for who is allowed to produce Star Wars content.

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This show was a great teaser trailer for Mandalorian S3.

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Probably not a good sign for this interpretation of the character that the most interesting episodes of the season are about Mando and Grogu (even though CG Mark Hamill is still distractingly uncanny valley). I barely remember anything from this season aside from the cool Rancor stuff and that one biker hipster doing a needless spin move, but as far as inoffensive sci-fi filler goes, not bad.

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Turns out the badass bounty hunter from the original films is just a bit boring and wants to be a nice guy??
The series only really gets interesting by morphing into the Mandalorian for a few episodes.
Does the job just feels a bit unnecessary as a whole.

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This series started out v e r y S L O W, but, then, in episode 5, it found a story arc and we were off to the races, with familiar characters and a purpose for their plot. The things it got right: great creature work, return of familiar heroes, they stopped wasting the talents of Ming-Na Wen and gave us great star power in cameos. I give the series a redeemed 9 (superb) out of 10. [Space Western]

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