Easily the best episode of the show so far.

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Absolutely fantastic episode! Love the significance of history this episode shows

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Loved this episode. The use of history from WWII was really captivating.

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Never liked the guy. Even before I knew of his history with the Nazis. And I did before this episode because I read it up.
He was always complaining about the things he so desperately wanted to have back. He's a hypocrate who's been friendly to people to get what he wants, yet talks behind their backs. A despicable person.

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Paul Sparks always finds a way to be in the ear of women in power, just like he was with Claire on House of Cards.

The ending of this episode as Liz and Phillip as normal husband and wife toned down the mood of this whole serious and "heavy" episode that was full of surprises.

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Claire Foy is a brilliant actress. I especially love it when she acts surprised, that‘s so cute.

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Amazing how Paul Sparks can be a bore on House of Cards and on here.

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They're really not holding back to make the uncle as the villain of the story. The more they explore his character and his past, the more you hate him. Selfish and vile human.

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