Another brilliant episode centered around Princess Margaret. Helena Bonham Carter ist just fantastic in the role and one‘s heart really breaks for Margaret in this episode. The backstory with Margaret finding out about relatives who got hidden away is completely new to me and I will definitely have to do some research on this.

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For starters, I love this show, every episode is great in it's own way. This episode hit me hard, my heart broke right alongside Princess Margaret. Powerful storytelling and incredible performances, just WOW.

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Shout by Edrick
BlockedParent2021-03-26T22:19:44Z— updated 2021-03-29T14:24:35Z

I've had my problems and views so far with what The Crown is trying to show us and how. And I must say, season 4 really came around to question all the constant apologetic storytelling of the first 2 seasons and the lovelessness it turned in season 3. This is still not the breakthrough I'm waiting for, that will hopefully* be season 5, but finally getting to the point where more and more main characters face the past and start realizing the false moral of the monarchy certainly puts the show to the strongest place it has ever been.

(*hopefully, as in putting characters to the point where they have to decide if they want to change the system they now know is bad, or they keep living in it, enjoying its benefits as enablers while still hurting and causing each other pain, or even if they stop, will that happen trusting its not too late to change, before people start to die but things are already in motion, or will it come to it first, and we'll how they react in light of that?)

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The music and the photos in the end really got me.

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My heart broke for Princess Margaret:(
I like that the show focused on the royal family itself instead of being a normal history show, and that's what makes this show so unique.

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«Because.. Well, I’m ashamed to say I‘ve been feeling... a little low for a while now. Now.. this current slump... seems to have resisted every attempt I’ve made to muscle through.

«Perché.. beh, mi costa ammettere che mi sento un pochino giù da qualche tempo. E ora... questa palude in cui sono sembra resistere ad ogni tentativo che ho fatto per provare a uscirne».

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