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The Crown: Season 4

4x08 48:1

One of the few episodes since Olivia Colman is playing Queen Elizabeth where I actually sided with her and was rooting for her to prove her point. Not complaining on Olivia’s performance, which is great, just… On this stage of her life, it is quite difficult to find any sympathy for the queen

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I can't wait to see the next episode. Only few show can make me feel this way.

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One of the best episodes of Season Four (and one with a great comeback)

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Please give all the awards in the world to Gillian Anderson. What a performance she gifts us on this episode!

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Shout by Agent24

Very good episode about a very interesting incident. I immediately had to check on the internet if it really happened. And as always there is a lot of historic truth to it. For sure some of it is fictionalised. Nevertheless it was so awesome to see The Queen stepping up her political game and when reading between the lines, one can really see what the Queens position was on Apartheid. Olivia Colman and Gillian Anderson where as always brillint in their roles.

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