Lots to like about this series, except Lashana Lynch. I just don't believe her in the roll. Every time she is on screen I'm taken out of it. It has nothing to do with her gender or race btw. Just incase anyone wonders. There are tons of black females who are better. She just isn't a very good actor.

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Lashana lynch is a terrible actress. she does not suit this role at all. Such a disappointing watch.

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More proof, outside of a few pleasant outliers, that the Brits are much better than most at any series with espionage. Hats off to the entire team on this one.

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I’m a huge lover of the original after studying the book for GCSE many many years ago and whilst this isn’t on the same level it is certainly still a great watch. Plenty of nods to the original. Highly recommend.

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Poor acting - at times it feels like an episode of a soap, the actors are so poor.

The casting really isn't good. Redmayne is passable. But the rest of the cast are not much better than a cheap TV series.

Story is basic and somewhat predictable. Hardly edge-of-the-seat stuff.

I expected more and likely won't finish the rest of the season as it is released.

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I don't get the high praise in the comments here.

This show is not that good, the story is pretty basic and weak, the mi6 agent casting just doesn't fit, this is the biggest issue with the show I think. The casting and acting for one of the main roles just doesn't fit the character.

The assassin is great, maybe a bit too "artistic" for the role, but again, the story is basic and that doesn't help.

The second issue is that there's so much useless filler material, people walking and camera panning and cello music, the secondary stories are weak and their only point is to fill a whole episode.

Music also doesn't match the scenes, there's no suspense like you'd expect from spy shows, you're just waiting for the episode to be over already.

I had to skip through the last 2 episodes (4 and 5). i never do this, especially on a spy show. Usually slower scenes in a show like this create suspense or build up emotions or relationships or round up a character, but here it's just boring useless filler information.

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Lashana Lynch is not a great cast for this

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Poor casting choice. They should’ve picked someone else instead of Lashana Lynch.

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Man Lashana Lynch she is so undigested and terrible actress!
And man, music selection its so bad, I mean really bad at the 1st episode!

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How did they even cast Lashana Lynch for this role? So bad. Apart from that solid 8/10 for the story, kept me hooked. Left me rooting for the jackal little by little every episode.

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It’s not great, but it’s not very good either—a disappointing outcome considering the strength of the source material. Plot holes and poor direction further detract from the series as a whole. On the positive side, it’s occasionally entertaining, with a handful of standout moments and engaging dialogue. Ultimately, it’s worth a single viewing, but it won’t make it into my rewatch rotation.

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Shout by zxki
BlockedParent2024-12-05T19:46:25Z— updated 2024-12-21T12:14:58Z

Not watched the original but I had to stop watching and stack up the episodes because it blew my expectations. It's a low-budget, high-quality James Bond type of thriller and the soundtrack/score makes that obvious. It's sad seeing so many people use the word 'woke' when something opposes their 'straight-forward' standard. Anyway, I liked how the story kept changing, it made scenes feel that little more tense. I will say though, the writing goes below average several times. No one should be expecting 'realistic' scenarios, but some scenes really have a dangerously low level of sense. Hopefully season 2 gets sturdy.

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i could finish the fisrt episode; the casting is mediocre

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What a disappointment. Dreadful acting, stupid story. I could write this story. It's not smart or intelligent. There's basically not a single plot twist, nothing you can't see coming from miles away.
Then there's this Bianca as one of the most unbelievable 'hero' I've seen in a while. Annoying, aggressive, obnoxious. Just walks into meetings she's not invited to. Behaves as some queen. Asif she's owns everyone. And everyone excepts it. Yeah right. Totally unbelievable, crap actress too in my opinion. Seems the only reason she got the part is because of woke bullshit.
This whole script is stupidly simplistic and unbelievable.

It scores very high in one regard, wokeness is of the chart. Every white guy is a bad guy or at minimum condescending, every black is the frigging hero and perfect. And according to this series Germans are all untrustworthy white fascists. Seriously wtf.

This is written by a 12 years old, wannebe rd rate James Bond story.

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Started off well. The first 5 episodes are good - just remember to leave logic at the door.
After episode 5 it went off the rails as far as suspending logic and reality and by the last 2 episodes I couldn't wait for it to be over, but watched it anyway cause I'd invested this much time in it.

Lashana Lynch is not a good actress and has an ass so big it has it's own solar system! Her hubby and daughter are annoying and the entire series would have been better without them.
The Jackel should have taken out his in-laws just for being oxygen thief's... in fact eliminating the entire story arc would improved this show immensely.
How the hell did the chick that hired him manage to 1) easily find him numerous times and 2) show up inside his hotel room?!!

For a guy that's supposed to be a ghost, he wasn't very good at it.

Started off 8.5/10 and ended in a 3/10
If you never see this, you'll be happier for it.

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Added to the secondary actors who are not the best and finally the situations, some of which are very unbelievable, he started out as a unique sniper and ends up using technology that anyone could use.....sorry but for me it is not a good series , because it doesn't even have a lot of action to say well, that makes up for it, it does have some suspense to see what is going to happen... but it is so little that it doesn't add to the series.

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Amazing serie, started magnificent, ended good.

Eddie Redmayne was fantastic.

Lashana Lynch has proven ones again that’s she is one of the worst actresses in the world, man o man what a terrible performance. Everytime she was on screen the vibe of the series was gone. In the end her role was to big for her, I could handle seeing her a couple of times, not entire episodes.

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This is a superb show! The acting is believable and Eddie Redmayne is absolute perfection! I binged this entire season in one long evening because it was that good! I think Lashana Lynch is a bit of a mis-cast, she's not terribly great in this role but Eddie makes up for it by being worth waiting for the next scene change. This is a re-spin of the book and it's done very well, far better than the terrible movie with Bruce Willis.

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It’s a great series to be honest. 9/10 so far.

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Well worth a watch 9/10 for me

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i had my doubts in the beginning but the magnet pulled me from the 1st episode.I hope there is a second season.

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I immediately added this to my watchlist as soon as I saw Lashana Lynch was in it and confirmed that the show is really based on the Frederick Forsyth novel. Lashana Lynch is definitely the type of actor who can deliver a great military character. Just looking at the rating here, I'm confident that I will not be disappointed.

1. Really good pilot episode.
2. Opening credits give James Bond vibes.
3. Lashana Lynch delivers.

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Could do much much better without all the personal drama, that's annoying

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I've seen many other spy or crime series in which there are really asshole characters (e.g. the magnificent The Bureau), but rarely I've hated a character as much as I did with that of Bianca Pullman. Her dirty cynicism disguised as a good mother is really bad. And it's really impossible not to take sides for The Jackal.

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Holy crap that Lashana is annoying and a terrible actress it almost destroyed the whole series. The music is maybe the best thing… but Eddie oh well we all know he could be Harry Potter. Nonetheless for me it is still watchable

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at first i was surprised by all these negative lashana lynch comments, like ok you can not like an actress but just chill, then i realized it's mosly triggered james bond snowflake bros, and everything made sense.
by the way i would not even buy a can of soda from eddie redmayne, he has that kind of face, i guess it makes him simultaneously the best and worst choice for a character like this.

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This show is very enjoyable, but I can not stand Lashawna Lynch character. Her acting with the character was horrendous. I was happy to see the end of her character, so we dont have to endure it next season as well. I loved everything else about it.

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Lashana lynch ruin the show, instead make It more dark and gory, they make It silly, dumb, Boring.

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Well worth a watch 9/10 for me

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Its like meh but something to watch. It did start good but then became meh.

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The theme song is as james bond as it gets

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Well there is seams to be two categories of vote here, people who hated Bianca and people who loved bianca. The people who hated vote high because the show was fantastic, people who are love Bianca in the role and for me the only reason to see ths show full of inaccuracies, dumb decisions, dumb stuff, a person that is a bit incompetent as the super hitman, stuff that did not make any sense very, very stupid scenes and after a while the character is a cartoon style.

This is a 4 but 5 for the bashing in Bianca which she is not deserve. Bash the writers, the children script, i mean they didnt even know how a boot for a broken leg works!

You can watch the show but please read the comments on each episode and state your opinion if this is not a very overrated show. The premise was there but the manage to major flop it.

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Big ups to Eddie Redmayne, he totally depicted the character as should be:100:

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Film at its peak!!
You definitely have to try it

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It's one of my favorites from 2024

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Satisfying action romp. Some annoying characters but they were all dealt with in a satisfying way.
Look forward to the next season.

I was half expecting the Jackal to take a bullet in the back of the head when he sat down on the bench.

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I really enjoyed this series. Eddie Redmayne was an excellent choice for the role of Jackal, and his performance was flawless, feeling like it was tailor-made for the character. On the other hand, I felt that Lashana Lynch as Bianca Pullman didn’t work as well. I’m not sure if the issue was the casting or the way the character was written, but given her importance in the story, she fell far short of expectations.

I’m a fan of protagonists who stand out, those who manage to escape impossible situations and always come out on top, especially when it comes to skilled assassins. This is exactly the kind of genre that appeals to me, and despite the flaws in this first season, I was quite satisfied. The ending was a real surprise—something I truly didn’t see coming—and it only made me more excited for the next season.

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It’s an ok show! Good direction but falls flat after a bit!

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The Day of the Jackal (2024) - :heart:x8

I absolutely loved seeing all the wonderful European locations - it makes me very homesick.
First episode had me seriously hooked from the get-go.
This was much better than The Jackal (1997) and I'm sure it is better than the original The Day of the Jackal (1973) - I'm pretty sure I've seen that one - but remember very little of it at this point.
Redmayne was awesome in this role.
This is an easy recommend!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This is sic! I mean there’s a problem with these kind of shows usually they are way too cheap, but this is not the case!

I mean it is a much linda faritailish, but it’s still fascinating and keeps the suspense across the whole season! One of the best show that I watched over the last few years. Must watch.

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Among the best series of 2024.

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Redmayne might actually be a good James Bond...

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Shout by Davezn

Overall a great show. A few miss fires every now and then.
Eddie plays his part very well. Bianca, not well cast.. I didn't like her character at all. Be that as it may, and enjoyable cat and mouse suspense thriller. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Whooooo what an amazing show ...Eddie is amazing at acting and i feel like this role was made for him

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Brilliant move casting Eddie Redmayne as The Jackal. I loved his performance. The direction was superb. I can see the effort that went in to the production. Everything felt planned. The Protagonist felt off. Either her acting or the role, it felt off. But it is a minor gripe. The Antagonist is the MC.

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This show is amazing and gives me so much anxiety :flushed:.

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There were a couple of things I didn't like about the show, and about halfway through, I had to pause it and come back the next day. I did this because, despite its flaws, it's still a very good show. Some people here are pointing out that Lashana Lynch was not a good choice for the role, but I don't think it's the actor, more so the character. They try to make her character a badass, but she is just someone who I find to be lucky and the main focus should be put elsewhere.
Season 1 just ended, so it's hard to say if this story will get better or if it will be dropped. I hope that it runs for a few more seasons, and can't wait for season 2.

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I'm enjoying The Day of the Jackal and I'm glad it's been renewed for second season. However 'kill off' the weak link in this series. Lynch has no acting expertise at all. And it's clear she was the DEI insert, but put someone in with a far better 'fit' for the role, someone like Maria Sten ('Neagley' in Reacher).

Initially I wasn't too sure if Redmayne was going to be a good fit in this role, but within the first 10 min he Nailed it and I was thoroughly, pleasantly surprised at his capable skills. Eddie is quite versatile and liked him in Fantastic Beasts and I can see him do a great job as Doctor Who if those creators get their act together and get out of the Woke nonsense.

Worth the watch and I'll be looking forward to Season Two.

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Interesting idea that started off well but turned into mess as the season went along. Let's see the ending but i suppose they're gonna do something stupid like kill him. Terrible acting, I'm really disappointed.

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High-quality show. I loved it.

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It's already one of the best watch out here.

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Just found this show by chance, and was hooked since episode

  1. I love Eddie here and shows he is a great actor.
  2. I don't like the MI6 actor that much. she's beautiful but doesn't convince me as an MI6 agent, but does her job as a. actor, I think it was a miscast.

Anyway I've loved the episodes I've seen so far and really hope there are more seasons.

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