This was good. So far I think I like this season. One thing I'm not to happy with is the Dr. Ramsey Rosso. The actor playing the part (Sendhil Ramamurthy) has play a very similar character at least twice before. Once in Beauty & the Beast (TV series) and once in Heroes. He's not bad at it so I guess it's OK for him the play the same part over and over.

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So I guess Bloodwork is gonna explode like Romero did… eventually.

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Purple lipstick and platinum hair look really good on Danielle. Cute goth doll. Now some shots of her at Baskin Robbins.

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I love Caitlin but I love Killer Frost even more! She is so much fun!
Glad to see some more of Ralph's story and YAY for another Wells!!!

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How Heroes met Spiderman 3.

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Another Welles. That took longer than I expected lol. It’s always welcome though.

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How convenient for the plot that Barry loses his curiosity and trust in his teammates/friends so the main villain isn't instantly stopped.
Not feeling it... let's just get to the big event shall we.

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more Frost/Kaitlin, and/or Kaitlin/Frost. She rocks!!!
Definitely girlfriend material, needs to meet the parents...lmao

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