This just turned into a drama!!

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Surprisingly way better than everything in the first season. No vicarious embarrassment humor anymore. Let's hope that they'll keep it that way.

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The episode was very funny, and the special FX was pretty cool too, great start to the season.

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LOL... I really did. The funny ironical jokes still at it in this show: Will Forte is hilarious with his I hate this life but I wanna live style and "Carol" acting like it is all normal and "we should go back home to Tucson" just when the world is so empty.

Bringing Jason Sudeikis to the cast as Phil's Brother is just as fresh is it could get and I really have so much expectations for him to have an important funny role in this.

As for the other gang... still no sight for them... makes you know that without President Phil there would be no life.

Overall, the start of this season was really good... highly rated and fingers crossed for the next 17 episodes to be as good.

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Phil was left alone :(

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I really liked it, even without humor, was another story, however nicer than Phill being boring because of Blonde last season. I want to know what happened to the guys in tucson

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I really missed this show. What a great first episode, really really funny and also setting up things nicely for the rest of the season.

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Great episode cant wait for more of season 2 :D also i just have to say, i love the vehicle they use in the beginning !

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Shout by Deleted

Great episode, hope the serie continue this way.

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oooh yeah, this might be my favorite show on TV!!

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oooh yeah, this might be my favorite show on TV!

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