A very good episode. And Julia finally has a personality again. It's only been missing since episode 2...

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Don't apologize to Margo. She's the one that royally screwed up on multiple occasions.

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Season finale, the consequences of the solution. In the last has improved, to see what they do in the T3

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Shout by dboy rusky

Sucks it was season finale

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Highlights of this episode:

  • "I look like Jack Sparrow if he were played by a man." Oh, Margo... Along with Elliot, you were the most eloquent character this season;
  • The Mario brother of the gods! Too bad he doesn't have a similar funny moustache (but at least he seems to dress himself better);

This show never disappoints and impresses me with its ability to keep things fresh and exciting. Never a dull moment in "The Magicians"!
Though this season finale wasn't the "punch in the gut" the first season finale was, it still gave us something to look forward to season three. They always manage to keep us on our toes since the very first episode.

Good luck, everyone, in surviving until (probably) January 2018 without more episodes of "The Magicians"! Happy withdrawal!

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"We are officially a land of godless heathens, making today the first day of our societal adulthood". Eliot always seems to have the best lines.

Could this be Julia's redemption, saving magic as a whole after going through hell and back? It'd be an amazing story-arc for her. I've always found it strange how easily magic came to her despite the lack of guidance and maybe we'll see a reason for it now.

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"Wanna put some pants on and help me save all of magic?"
Ah, Eliot, ever the wordsmith.

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I was kinda wondering if we might sometime later see Persephone again. Julia's little sparks trick at the end makes me wonder that more.

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Shout by Deleted

YES! Very good episode and amazing intro. LOVED IT! This season was much better. And the third looks very promising. So many twists!

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LOVED the intro! Let's do that for every season premiere and finale from now on.

Why are the fairies such assholes? And why is Julia, of all people, the only one left who can still do magic?

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