Some of the faces Sister Krone makes is literal nightmare fuel. God, that woman is gonna give me nightmares. She also moves fast. Very fast. She's also smarter than I anticipated. The way she catches the younger children (how do you do that with those leaves?) and figures out who were the ones down at the gate the other night.

I didn't anticipate there was an imposter amongst them. Dang. This series just turned into a psychological thriller. These kids are too smart.


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I have re-read the corresponding chapters in the manga, but the clues seems a bit more obvious in the anime. Maybe it's my imagination.
PS: Okay. It's more obvious, but full disclaimer: I haven't read that much ahead, so I have no idea what else is hidden and what I might have missed in the manga or the anime adaption.

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Anyone catch Sister Krone doing the Ed from Cowboy Bebop arm wave thing?

Also: Emma's face at the end of the episode (before the ED) = Emma's reaction to the end of Ep. 1

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