I personally don't mind at all that they showed things with dealing with Covid-19. Everyone knows that it exists and is going on and shows are suppose to be like real life so it would be senseless to just pretend that it doesn't exist. I am glad that this show is back, it's a great show, and I at least like how they addressed the pandemic and that they showed life beyond it. A job well done!

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Shout by BCR

Glad the show is back, but please let’s stop incorporating Covid into every show. :type_1_2:‍♀ We need an escape from real life, not to watch is a second time on our fav shows.

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One of the better medical shows and how they wrote in and addressed Covid.

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I think it is good that they incorporated COVID into the show, and I know it is mostly for the first episode, less so over the rest of the show. But still, not all of us are privileged in knowing first hand the stress hospital staff went through during the first months of the crisis (and most likely what they're dealing with right now, if it isn't worse). A lot of writers on the show were (or are) on the frontline, so I am glad they got to write about some of their experiences.

And the episode also gives hope, because as this aired, people are being vaccinated all over the world. COVID-19 changed a lot of things last year, and some of them for the worst, some of them for the better.

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I just hope they handled it well
They way I screamed and jumped when they kissed def my roman empire :sparkles::sparkling_heart:

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