It's definitely not my favorite episode so far... I get that Carrie is all feelings and vibes, but there is that little pesky thing called the law, and ignoring it shouldn't be made to look like a "positive" thing when the character in question is a cop lol. I feel like this episode would've been written totally differently if it had been done today.
Also, am I the only one who didn't find Maria sympathetic? Like, during the confession scene, her demeanor totally changed and she no longer felt apologetic or sympathetic to me. None of her actions felt defensible to me, lol

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This episode should be a class in copaganda and bad politics. Roughing up homeless people. Threatening potential SA victims. Everything here is done poorly but because it's TV everything works out in their favor. I kinda want to download this just to do a breakdown. Once again I don't see Jane Curtin. Is Jane Curtain the mother?

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