Shout by anthoney65
BlockedParent2020-07-03T02:12:15Z— updated 2020-07-05T01:42:10Z

For the most part I enjoy the show. The finale was mostly kick ass. The overall season had some slow parts. The finale ends in a real fuck you cliffhanger. It did get really interesting before the cliffhanger. I suspected the big twist (one of them) early on but I had started to think I was wrong.

The main star (or maybe her character) reminded me of Jennifer Lawrence. The looks a little bit but personality and manner of speech were way similar.

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Wait the what the actual fuck just happened. That's not even a fair cliffhanger. The show was literally just starting in episode 10 & they end it. Absolutely horrible...What a wast of 10 hours of my life.

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Now why in hell did it end there...

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Did they run out of budget during this episode? How can you end a season with a cliffhanger like this?

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Shout by Joe A

Netflix shows should not end in cliffhangers, especially if all the episodes are available at once. We watch them all within a week and can't get the next season for a very long time. We at the least needed to know where Michael went and/or some more back story on the tarasks(not sure about the spelling).

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although it would be interesting if they started the show with this episode, i think it would spoil too much. i think it'll be better if they did a cross of flashback/history/present to give the viewers an idea of the show and it's main problem while keeping the audience curious and excited of what the next thing would be.

building the history and relationship of the main character is great, but with less than 10 episodes that is not a good idea especially when it took half of the season to get the story going moreover with netflix not funding or even promoting the show at all (i hate netflix)

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Shout by Nyx

So Adriel (a fallen angel/demon) is really an alien from another world, alright fine, the "divinium" is organic matter from the creatures from Adriel's world and those creatures are understandably fighting back, right, right, makes sense... but I did NOT see that reveal about Vincent coming. Whyyyy?! He was like an actual father to those young women, noooooo!

Ok, clearly this is the episode that laid rest to the show, it totally explains why it was inevitably cancelled. The show angered the Catholic Church, they got in their feelings again and that was that, eh, that's usually all it takes. Oh well. On to enjoy the next and final season.

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Back to watching Preacher as I wait for season two.

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This episode is what I expected the entire season to be. It should have just started here.

The fight scene with Adriel was wonderful. I love how Beatrice fires a bolt at Adriel, steps on him, pulls the bolt out, and fires it at him again. That was just awesome!

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I liked this episode but the ending. Oh boy. Textbook example how not to do a cliffhanger.

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Now that is how you end a season! This series may have started out slow but once it got going, it never stopped. I really can't wait for a 2nd season now :grin::grin::grin:

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I'm still open-mouthed with what is happening. I hope there will be a season 2 to see as follows

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Shout by Deleted

This is a stupid show.

But the girl is pretty .

Good background noise

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Figures that the best episode would be the last. Overall it was a good idea. It just shouldn't have taken 10 episodes to get exciting. Then you're left with so many questions. Like what happened to Michael?

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Damn, this was an awesome series finale. Sadly it felt like the show had really just begun... Another year until we get a season two, surprisingly I can’t wait.

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