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Terre Haute, Indiana


The best action film of the 2020s I've seen so far great cinematography and good music. The fight scenes are over the top but still fun and has that eye candy quality I crave. I watched on Netflix so it was dubbed into Hindi and not the original Telugu language. Bravo!

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Lilo & Stitch

It's sandwich day. Every Thursday I take Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich... And today we were out of peanut butter. So I asked my sister what to give him, and she said 'a tuna sandwich'. I can't give Pudge tuna! Do you know what tuna :asterisk_symbol:is:asterisk_symbol:? It's fish! If I give Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter 'cause all we have is... is... stinkin' tuna!

Pudge controls the weather.

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Happy Godzilla Day! This is the greatest film of all time. The metaphors and background of this film alone deserves a 10/10!

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Godzilla Minus One

Amazing!! The human story is actually as good or better than the Godzilla parts! And finally the mainstream is appreciating a Godzilla movie for once!

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The first act is what every kid in the 80s imagined a Transformers movie was gonna look like. This movie hits everything; soundtrack, action, comedy, emotion. Definitely one of my favorite movies. This is big budget summer blockbusters done right!

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

One of my favorite franchises is getting a sequel this June, so I figure I would watch them all again. Don't you miss the old days when movies were full of action, bit of comedy, and didn't require a lot of thinking? When movies had 17 of the top 20 modern rock songs of that year. When Shia was a superstar? I know I do! Also Michael Bay is a way better director than Roland Emmerich by a longshot! At least when Bay made a movie about a beloved franchise he made it fun and not just completely changed everything like Roland did with Godzilla! Like Bay hasn't made a bad or even meh movie, at least from what I've seen so far. He's like a child in a man's body, which a lot of you might hate since you like movies that are like real life, boring and miserable.

Rainn Wilson! :blue_heart::blue_heart:

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The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

If you don't give this movie at least a 8 or higher, I'm sorry that you don't enjoy life at all.

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Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery

Wowwwww! Someone get this man a movie deal! Better effects, production, music, and idea than most documentaries ever made!

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The Little Mermaid

I wonder what gave more people foot fetishes, this, Tangled, or any Quentin Tarantino movie?

Also why does the 2D animated/older Disney movies get way lower scores? This is way better than ratatouille, Inside Out, and The Incredibles. I get that it gave women bad beauty standards but so does every movie ever. No one says that about the women in Superhero movies or any streaming movie. Very strange.

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The best film of 2022 I've seen! So sad and inspirational too. That quote about the bird :sob::sob::sob:.

Also Elvis missed out on seeing Godzilla, worst mistake of his life.

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One of the best movies I've seen ever! One of the most nerve racking ones too! Great atmosphere and soundtrack and the sound effects when the day appears is goated and incredibly soothing but creepy at the same time. The ending song is awesome too as most J-Pop/Japanese music is. All the Ring movies are free on tubi so you know damn well Imma watch them all before the year is out!

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The Nightmare Before Christmas

The greatest movie ever made, if you don't like it, I'm sorry you never experienced joy or fun or anything, my condolences.

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The Birds

Peacock's fifth film of the curated by Jamie Lee Curtis/history of slashers collection (Psycho being the fourth) and I don't know why the score is so low on this, critics put this slightly below Psycho and I agree with them, the impact is lower but the scares are just as if not more so than Psycho. Tippi is so beautiful and wonderful in this role. This is almost 2 hours which I believe is longer than average for a 60s movie.

This was one of the first animal horror movies, 10 years before jaws, and helped to create the archetype of animal horror as we know it today. It's slow the first hour but as far as the top rated movies go I'm surprised y'all don't like it more.

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Bride of Frankenstein

The third film of Peacock's history of slasher/ curated by Jamie Lee Curtis collection. Wow, how do you improve a great first movie? Add a girl boss to it! Both lead women are great! Also for a movie that isn't based on a book or anything it's damn good! Love the set pieces and locations like the lab or the top of the castle.

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No I don't cry everytime I watch this, why do you ask?

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South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

"The United States has graphic violence on television all the time, we can't believe that a movie with some foul language would piss you off so much." "Because it's evil!"

Shoutout the Secretary of offense, Kyle's mom for becoming a fascist.

One of the best comedy musicals of all time underrated and underappreciated classic.

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Iron Man 3

Peak Cinema. Made me feel like a kid again!

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Fell asleep 15 minutes in back in 2011 due to school tiring me out, like I did with Captain America during that submarine scene, but now I am here to finish the fight! Shia screaming at the top of his lungs at guards is what everyone should see at least once. Probably the best acting he's done in a Transformers movie. Also, amazing Star Trek reference with the man himself saying it, the late great Leonard Nemoy! Definitely for fans of action and fun, not for the prestige lovers!

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The 7th film in Peacock's curated by Jamie Lee Curtis/history of Slashers Halloween playlist. Great movie! The soundtrack itself is a 10/10 like some cod zombie type music and very very groovy and calming in a way.

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Jingle All the Way

A Christmas Classic! Loved it!

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Captain America: Civil War

:blue_heart::blue_heart: Chadwick Boseman
:blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart: Wanda
:blue_heart::blue_heart: everyone else

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His Girl Friday

The opening title card said it all "you will see no resemblance to the men and women of the press of today." Ain't that fucking the truth! More so now than then. Reporters ain't shit now. I've seen this on my Top American Films of All-Time and Before 1976 lists on letterboxd for a while and now I saw it on Paramount+ so said why not? Hildy's pinstrip suit and hat are so awesome! Wonder what color it is?

The comedy is fast paced and rapid fire like you think of 1940s comedies of being. It's almost comforting like watching Dick van Dyke or something just relaxing and calming. But how is Hildy a girlboss while marring a insurance man? That's like if she married some Wall Street man or something it ain't any better than before. Anyway the movie pacing was amazing I wasn't bored at any point and it was funny throughout the run time. I can see why Quentin Tarantino put this in his top 11 list. Also the Mayor and the Sheriff are asshats. And all the actors did their thing in this wonderful picture.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

One of the most fun and awesome blockbusters of the 2010s. Extra half star for Jack Black's performance in this. This is equal to the original in my opinion.

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

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Brahmāstra Part One: Shiva

A great action movie, but if the language was changed people could easily mistake this for an MCU movie. The effects are amazing and very colorful and exciting, definitely a spectacle akin to Avatar or Infinity War/Endgame!

I love the songs and the score, the guitar is amazing. I hope they release the score for this movie. Overall this is a great movie for an action movie kinda vibe, you'll love it if you like Marvel movies or action in general.

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry's brother is so fucking annoying, I don't believe in violence but that kid is so annoying and rude and spoiled.

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Godzilla Raids Again

Another one for Godzilla Day 2022 and I'm not counting midnight as the end as I got up later last night so it's still Godzilla Day for me at least!

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Chasing Amy

Best romcom. When her lesbian friends hated on her for being Bi that was crazy.

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Black Roses

A wildly innovative and entertaining horror film that smartly parodies the satanic panic moment. I'd like to think this is what those old farts thought was happening to kids when they listened to Marilyn Manson, KMFDM, Judas Priest, or Ozzy. The metal music in the movie was actually kick ass not gonna lie, even the innocent power ballad. Shout-out King Kobra for the music in the film. The score while not the best suited for this movie admittedly, it is still very good; I love the synth-style strings and stuff, reminds me of Castlevania music, SoulCalibur, or Advanced Wars a little. John Martin did a wonderful job as the teacher in this too!

"SHUT UP PRISCILLA!!" Yeah, tell that bitch off how dare she call the students inbreds! Very campy, plenty of boobs and plenty of blood and metal, so it's a 8/10 for me!

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