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Bangalore, India

Gang Related

Reply by Arun

A pretty good guilty pleasure watch. The show gets so much better with the final six episodes. Hope there is a season 2.

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Update: Nevermind, Fox cancelled the show which is not surprising considering the very low ratings right from the start. The show got better only in the second half of the season and by the time it already lost so many viewers.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Reply by Arun


Review by Deleted

In 2011, director Rupert Wyatt brought us Rise of the Planet of the Apes which to me was just another ordinary blockbuster, good when it comes to entertainment but with a few flaws along the way. It had a decent story, a great emotional side and an important and controversial message, but the truth is that it did not brought anything new.

This year, this time with Matt Reeves directing, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was not the film that I would be waiting anxiously. See the continuation of the story would be something interesting, but I had the impression that it would follow the same path of the first film. The truth is that great criticism led me to want to see it already in its first weekend display.

In this new film we follow the new life of Caesar. The ape that developed a super-intelligence due to a substance created to cure Alzheimer's disease in humans. Caesar was raised with humans and always felt very close to them emotionally, but a series of events led him to come to lead a rebellion by the party of all apes. In this new story we see a completely different world, living in an apocalyptic scenario. Caesar leads a large group of apes in a forest on the surroundings of San Francisco, apparently they live alone, but always in fear that the human race will interfere in what apes consider to be a life of freedom, against all that many of them passed in times, imprisoned and tested by those who once called themselves his friends.

After the first few minutes of the film we felt that it chosed a different path from the first. The introduction to this new phase of the Apes and Era on Planet Earth is made with such an absolutely brilliancy! With a very dark and gloomy atmosphere we are dragged into all this environment that leads us to the right emotion at the right time. For those who have not seen the first film may be some loose ends, but nothing too serious that you can't follow the story clearly.

The study of the character Caesar is fantastic, very depth and well developed. We feel through him all of his fears and frustrations. Andy Serkis, deserves to be recognized in this film but also in the previous because his performances are what carries the films, especially this one. It is seen that from him there was a huge study of the species and the fact that he becomes beautifully real ape is magnificent. The other performances of the film, especially Jason Clarke and the legendary Gary Oldman are very striking, I only regret that an actor of the caliber of Oldman not has more screen time.

Some questions about Human vs. Animal are consistently presented to us throughout the film and leave us thinking. Are we so different from each other? Physically we can be so, but, as regards emotions? Freedom? Survival? Power? Thirst for revenge? Revolt? It is a story that touches a bit on what we all humans have the ugliest.

The soundtrack is also something that needs to be mentioned because it perfectly reflects all the environment. Dark and sometimes very terrifying goes very well with all that we see and with what each scene wants to transmit.

The action scenes are very well made ​​and is a visually beautiful film. The colors and light were impeccably studied and this is reflected in the final result. Some plans are absolutely fabulous, especially when it comes to the action scenes.

Contrary to what I was expecting, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is not just another blockbuster that we see this Summer. Yes, it is a great entertainment flick but with a lot of substance, which is good not only visually but also in messages he brings. I am very surprised!

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Great review as always, Caty :)

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Reply by Arun

Ok, let's start this. Godzilla is a movie about a touching reunion being screwed up by a giant lizard who's jealous cause he's alone and don't wanna see other monsters being happy. Yeah. Meet the MUTOs.

MUTO is a giant freaking mutant thing that if it wasn't scary enough by itself, it can fly too (you know that feeling when u see a cockroach and u think "could it get worse?" and starts flying? that's MUTO for you). MUTO is a harmless creature. YES, you didn't read wrong, HARMLESS. All MUTO wants is to leave peacefully. It feeds itself with radioactive material and it simply walks in a straight line towards its objective. Unhappily, it's not aware it's causing some destruction but hey, it's hungry, you can't blame the guy.

ANYWAYS! MUTO is hungry, MUTO wants to eat something but more importantly... MUTO wants love, our biggest achievement. So MUTO cries for his (now we know MUTO is a He) loved one. And she replies!! Oh, the joy
You guys know you can't present yourself to the love of your life barehanded, right? And the lucky male MUTO finds the PERFECT present to his OTP. A lethal nuclear warhead (awn..). And there he goes, with the perfect gift.

Finally they find each other. Starry eyes, can't believe this happening, a tear drops from my eye with such a heartwarming fated encounter. Male MUTO offers his gift to her and she accepts. The ultimate bliss. BUT THEN. Someone is not happy. Someone is green with jealousy. He's alone. He doesn't have an OTP. He arms are too short and, DAMN, he can't even have a little fun by himself. Meet Godzilla.

Godzilla enters the scene and he has ONE purpose: to cock block MUTOs and kill them for having the audacity to having sex and being all lovey-dovey while he's all alone. A fearsome battle begins. You feel lost. You feel like you should cheer for Godzilla and every time he's beaten, you're like "nooo duuudeee, he's trying to save us, don't do that, LEAVE GODZILLA ALONE!!" BUT don't be fooled... Godzilla IS THE BAD GUY.

After a few horrible minutes, LOVE PREVAILS!! The lovable MUTO couple managed to defeat the envious green giant lizard and they can finally be happy forever and eWAIT! Godzilla stands up and use a freaking blue flame that he could have used before but he thought would be funnier if he let them think they had won just to shatter their happiness again.

The worst happens. While male MUTO struggles to keep his loved one safe, Godzilla seizes the moment and gives the final blow! Male MUTO remembers all that good time, the first flirt, first kiss, the blessed union... all while the light fades from his eyes... Male MUTO is no more :'(

Female MUTO has no time to mourn. Someone just assassinated her children!! The horror!! She's confused, all she cares is lost, cruelly taken and whats has she done to deserve that?? Nothing, I tell you, NOTHING. Driven by the anger and sadness filling her heart, she advances furiously to get revenge.

Another fierce battle engages!! While fighting she remembers male MUTO, her newly-born family, their plans, their honeymoon... all-reduced-to-dust. She gathers all her last strenght and YES, FINALLY. That damn green homewrecker is slain! JUSTICE PREVAILS. But what's left? Her children, her husband... all gone... Nothing is left. Just fade in the void. She's tired.. She wanna sleep... She is hungry... Food... yeah... that might distract her (you know, food is the best painkiller).

She's leaving, she just wants some food and she will leave. AND THEN! A stinging pain!! She doesn't understand what's happening. Her jaw is being ripped apart. Blue flame pours from above!! Her body is in flames from inside! Then she understands. She was naïve. Godzilla was not dead. It was just another foul move. He feels joy in letting them feel like it's over just to finish them brutally.

She sees in a distante place male MUTO... Their childrens... Tons of radioactive material... They're all there, waving to her... It's heaven... everything fade in whiteness... She leaves this cruel world, toward a better world, to meet again their loved ones.

And amidst all that, yeah, there are some petty tiny things called humans. They are living their dramas, screwing up things and just shooting whatever moves and they can't comprehend. That's humans for you. Ow, and you wanted to watch because you heard/saw somewhere that Mr. White and you thought "OMG WALTER WHITE IS GONNA KICK SOME DINOSAUR'S ASSES F'YEAAAH". Well... He dies on the beginning, oh well :T

So there you are. You were thinking "Duuudeee, I was so thinking that Godzilla was a bad guy but I was mistaken, he's a good guy :)" WRONG that bastard is the PURE EVIL!! He doesn't care about humans, he couldn't give less shit about us. But he won't tolerate anyone shouting their happiness in his face, while he barely can touch his dick. No... They must die to serve as example to anyone who dares to have these same funny ideas. That's Godzilla for you.

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This is easily the best review I have read for the movie. Hahahaha :D

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Gone Girl

Reply by Arun


Review by Deleted

Gone Girl the adaptation by David Fincher of Gillian Flynn's 2012 bestselling book to the big screen would probably be one of the most anticipated films of the year. After the highly acclaimed book with great criticism from readers, expectations were very high and given the name of the director even more. Gillian Flynn is also the one who wrote the screenplay, so would be expected to remain fairly faithful to the book.

Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike) have been married for five years. On her 5th wedding anniversary Amy disappears. Nick quickly becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife or even possible death, but Gone Girl is much more than that. Not only goes through a criminal investigation, studies various characteristics of human beings and how far a human can go in pursuit of its goals.

Going back and forth between the police investigation in the present, and Amy's flashbacks where we see situations of the past, as she recounts some events while she narrates what she wrote in a diary. We follow all the steps since the two met, what marriage the two characters had and what it became. And from here there is nothing more to say, because it would remove the impact that history has on the viewer.

"We all know that marriage is hard work" we all heard this phrase before and these are words once again mentioned in this film. When couples fall into routine, and when the usual marital problems begin to appear, it has to be the ability to overcome obstacles. But sometimes it is not easy and what this story tells is the portray of the apparently perfect marriage that ends up falling in the path of lies, betrayal, abuse and deceit.

The study of each character is quite interesting. Fincher and Flynn made ​​it in an absolutely captivating way, and in the story we can find many types of personalities. In the first hour of the film black humor is used quite often, especially with regard to Nick's character, while in the second part things change the tone getting scarier with the brilliant disclose of the story, everything always arm in arm with a dark and not less brilliant soundtrack.

The relationship with the media and the effect they have on society is discussed in a very clever way, because that's really how it all works. The media really influence what society in general can think about some topic or some particular person, manipulating the audience as they want.

Ben Affleck plays a guy apparently too relaxed, a simple performance that does not require much of him but he did it quite well and it works. The star of the film is undoubtedly Rosamund Pike, in a performance worthy of many award nominations! She is absolutely fascinating, engaging and can be sometimes (well, very often) quite haunting. An actress that after this role certainly deserves more prominent roles because until now she had a more modest career always in supporting roles. Here she shows all the potential she has to be able to do various types of roles. Nothing to point to the whole supporting cast. Neil Patrick Harris as the obsessive Amy's ex-boyfriend, flees to the register that he has done over the last few years, always stuck to comedy, here he manages to convince the audience with his good dramatic performance. Carrie Coon as Nick's twin sister, very funny, is able to give us some of sarcastic laughs we give throughout the film. Tyler Perry, another actor also much associated to comedy, here has Nick's lawyer, in a role that really suits him like a glove. Last but not least, Kim Dickens also very good as the detective in charge of investigating Amy's disappearance. A cast that does a great job supporting all the intriguing story.

The gloomy and engaging atmosphere that David Fincher has accustomed us in his other films, continues to be present in this one. It is impossible to take our eyes off the screen for a second and all the captivating and mysterious atmosphere drags us into the investigation, putting the entire audience trying to reveal all the secrets between Amy and Nick.

Despite its two and a half hours long, Gone Girl is never boring and you will not lose interest and the time will fly. It is able to make us smile and scare at the same time. It is one of the best, darkest, diabolical films about marital relations I have ever seen. How far can go the insight and mental state of being human? Are we be able to do anything to get what we want? And how far can go the evil of a human being for the sake of their whims?

Definitely a must see.

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Superb write up, Caty. Now I am looking forward to it even more than ever :p

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Insidious: Chapter 2

Reply by Arun

it´s rare for a horror sequel to be as good ( or better ) and not ruin the 1st one. This one is a rare occasion =) fits the story perfectly, gives good atmosphere and sound effects...let hope they don´t ruin it now with a rd ( unnecessary ) movie.

just 2 questions : 1 - How many door can a damn house have?! ( the possesed father running after the wife ) 2- If you find 15 bodies from a known serial killer... why dont you call the damn police? :o

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they have already annoounced a 3rd movie and it will be out in early 2015.

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The Oranges

Reply by Arun


Shout by Deleted

Light comedy drama about two dysfunctional families, the Wailling's and the Ostroff's. They are neighbours, they are best friends and their two daughters grown up together. Everything starts to fall apart when Wailling fell in love with the Ostroff's daughter.
It's mostly about happiness and how to be happy in marriage but also in everything in life.
What I liked more about this film was the performances, specially from Hugh Laurie, Oliver Platt and Allison Janney. Catherine Keener was good too but her role didn't had much evidence.
It's predictable but entertains.

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Was waiting for this one. Will watch just for Hugh Laurie :p

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Reply by Arun


Review by Deleted

I was supposed to see this before I went to see Begin Again but I didn't had the time. I heard a lot of people saying that this film was great but I for no special reason I had not seen it before.

One of the most beautiful and honest films I have ever seen! I was completely overwhelmed with the love and dedication that was put forth by John Carney in this little (but very big) project that manages to carry so much with so little!

Once is a very simple and heartfelt story demonstrating a huge love for music, which makes sense. A world without music would not be the same and is due to the love for music that the two central characters in this story will cross their paths.

A street musician with a huge talent, plays every day in the streets of Dublin. At the beginning we get the idea that he is just another one looking to earn some extra money, singing and playing a few songs... But we quickly realize that the main reason why does it is not for the money but for the pleasure of giving music to others, dreaming of someday becoming a professional musician. On a day like any other he meets a girl, who not like most people that pass through him every day, really pays attention to what he does. And there begins to grow a beautiful musical and emotional relationship between the two.

The film is shot in documentary style which given the history gives you a whole more intimate air, almost like it was supposed to walk side by side with the characters. Its pretty raw but instead of giving it an amateur look, can make it into something even more special. The original soundtrack of this film is absolutely delicious. Great tracks, and all illustrate perfectly every feeling, every emotion, every moment that we are seeing.

The performances are very realistic and heartfelt. Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová did a great job playing these two beautiful characters. I am very happy to know that these two talented musicians won the Academy Award for Best Original Song - "Falling Slowly" - in 2007.

Once is not just a film for all lovers of music, is a film that everyone should see! Simple, without any presumption or requirement. Just want to touch the heart of any human being that values ​​emotion.

I loved Begin Again but I think I loved this one even more! Keep up with the great work Mr. John Carney!

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One of my favourite film of the last decade. So happy you loved it too :D

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After Earth

Reply by Arun


Shout by Deleted

I heard it was bad but I never thought it was this bad.
The acting from Jaden Smith was bad, always so forced. The plot is bad, there are lots of plot holes and some things make no sense.
Probably tomorrow I'll not remember much of what I saw.

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I'll make sure you always remember you watched this masterpiece. [evil laugh]

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Reply by Arun


Shout by Deleted

I've never heard anything about this film until I saw some great reviews here on Letterboxd and why in the hell didn't I've never heard of it before!? It's great!
It's a highly entertaining dark comedy! Shane Black's writting is funny and sharp and his direction very stylish. It's thrilling, quirky, dry, clever with super fast dialogues.
Once again Robert Downey Jr. is amazing! The more I see from him the more I love him. But I also really enjoyed Val Kilmer's role as the gay detective. The two had some great scenes together and the crazy situations that they are involved provide great laughs.

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glad you loved this. one of my favourite films from the last decade. it's a shame not many have heard about this. one of the best films by RDJ and I can't understand why Shane black is not doing more movies.

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