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16 51 08.15 +04 59 33.32

White Collar

This was a monster good show. Art, crime, charme, wine and love. There is no better combination.

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In the first fight or so, someone sliced Reacher's jacked on the back, and he fixed it with a piece of tape. Somehow, even after changing clothes multiple times per episode, he had to wear the same taped jacked once in a while throughout the entire season just to show viewers that he is not invulnerable. Otherwise, you wouldn't even think about him getting a scratch. They should have called it "Untouchable Colossus vs. Corrupt Village".

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The Blackout

Not sure what to say about this. The acting wasn't the best I've seen and some things were somewhat not fitting the plot or scenery. All those (probably budget related) issues aside, the overall story was good as I was sticking with it for all the six currently aired episodes. So it couldn't have been too bad I guess. Very Russian if you ask me, and a bit controversial on religious aspects. The story itself made a drastic change, which was great, but it was far too close to the end. If the "second part" would have lasted more than just one episode, I would have rated it higher. This is probably the first time that I don't criticise a long-winded plot but would have even preferred a bit of long-windiness (and more content) at its end. Let's see if a second season will come and how that will perform. I would definitely take a look at it.

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