Shōgun: 1x01 Anjin

I don't get this at all, there's just nothing particularly awful about it but nothing great either. It looks cool sometimes but also has bizarre camera/edit decisions. Got 3/4's of the way through and turned it off as it felt like there was no hook to keep watching.

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Style over substance. Predictable story with a lot of seen before elements and far too often parts that made very little sense. In an unfortunate way I very much enjoyed the continuity error with the bicycle wheel and the many many shots of the bmw, how much were they paid for that? Give this a pass.

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Love Lies Bleeding

Lesbian Point Break. Unfortunately another film this year that looked far better in the trailer. Despite some great moments from the cast this overall just did very little for me.

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Civil War

Stunning. Alex Garland take a bow. Nods to Black Hawk Down and Deliverance. Right up there with Apocalypse Now. I look forward to watching this again and again.

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Drive-Away Dolls

I highly recommend that you watch the trailer, think to yourself oh hey that looks interesting, have life get in thae way and then never get around to watching it. This is far better left in the backrooms of your mind where it will always have unfulfilled promise.

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Poor Things

If you're looking for a cure for horniness then you've found it with this stunningly boring nonsense. Not even Emma Stone can save it.

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Conversations with Friends: Season 1

Shout by BOF
BlockedParent2022-05-26T19:25:46Z— updated 2022-06-08T20:13:27Z

I wonder if Sally Rooney watched Phantom Thread and thought I should rewrite Normal People to have hateful characters just like this, then added an affair and some non hetero elements so it wasn't totally a copying her own homework exercise. That's not to say this is a bad show. It's shot beautifully and highlights important subjects we rarely see. Plus Dublin looks great. However my first thought on finishing it and my abiding memory of it will be; well made but overall a bit shite.

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No Time to Die

Magnificent without being perfect and an incredible send off for the Craig Bond. As a fan of the books and OHMSS in particular this was so very special. Brilliant moments of call back/reflection, great new and returning supporting characters, this had everything. I shed a tear at the end.

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Hunters: 1x02 The Mourner's Kaddish

This series started well then it fell flat on it's face with this episode. I stopped watching this show and looked up the ending of the season after watching this, then laughed heartily at the stupidity of it.

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In some ways brilliant, in many more ways awful. Switch off your brain and enjoy this true 90's gem.

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