Searching for Sugar Man

Amazing and touching story. A beautiful and awesome documentary. I love it.

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Some years ago I was about to watch a film on DVD I had just bought ( it's funny that I don't even remember which one), I was watching all the trailers first and I watch the trailer for this movie, I said to myself I think I'm gonna need to watch this one; funny thing happened the next day, one of my cousins came to my house only to bring me this movie on DVD (happens to me a lot, I wish for something and I just get it; that's the way I get many of my stuff ) now this movie is in my collection and I love it. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)(⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)

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Who Can Kill a Child?

Not surprisingly, as its graphic violence is perpetrated by (and eventually directed against) children, Who Can Kill a Child? was very controversial at the time of its release and even banned in several countries. While undeniably chilling, however, the film’s violence is neither gratuitous nor exploitative. It is in the service of a deeply serious meditation on the failure of the old in their moral responsibility to the young—a failure made clear by the movie’s prolog, which catalogues twentieth-century atrocities (the Holocaust and the Vietnam War among them) that, although engineered by adults, had a devastating impact on children. The film implies that the massacre of the old at the hands of the young should be viewed as an act not of senseless murder but of self-preservation.

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